Showing posts with label and treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and treatment. Show all posts

Burn Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment

types of burns
types of burns
This time I will explain one of the few such questions burn treatment, treating burns, home remedies for burns, burns steak house.

 Burns is the type of wounds, tissue damage or tissue loss resulting from any heat source or in a high temperature electrical sources, materials, chemical, light, radiation and frictions. Types of wounds can be varied and have different handling depending on the type of network that is exposed to Burns, the severity, and the complications that occur as a result of the cuts.

Burns can damage muscle tissue, bone, blood vessels and tissue damage resulting in epidermal is deeper than the end system innervation. A burn victim could experience a variety of fatal complications including shock conditions, infections, an inefficient provision of electrolytes (electrolyte inbalance) and respiratory distress. In addition to the physical form of complications, burns can also cause emotional distress (trauma) and psychological weight due to defects caused by Burns and scar (scar).

Colitis Types, Causes, Symptoms,and Treatment

types of colitis disease
What is Colitis Disease Colitis is a disease which is an inflammation of the colon. The colitis symptoms including pain, fever, swelling in the tissues of the colon, bloody, erithema surface of the colon, rectal bleeding and ulceration of the colon. Appendicitis is a disease state where the intestines suffer inflammation caused by infection with different kinds of bacteria and viruses. Trading in the lower bowel is formed which propagates to goto the top channels of sewage.

Inflammatory bowel disease is the inflammation of the colon or small intestine is usually easy to attack someone that has a body less durability. The intestine is an organ of the human body is a very vital and have an absolute role in life because it serves to put the intestine and meliminasi the rest of the food protect fluid balance and electrolytes. When the natural intestinal inflammation then with automatic performance natural gut can then issue that can harm the body of the sufferer. Causes of inflammatory bowel disease is not yet known with certainly, who probably was the trigger that factor in allergy, infection, immune problems, stress, genetic factors.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms:
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloated stomach
  • Fever
  • High heat
  • Easily tired
  • Nausea
  • Defecation with bleed
  • Gastric bleeding occur

Abscess: Causes, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment

Abscess: Causes, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment
Abscess: Causes, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment
Abscess: Causes, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment

An abscess is a pus hoarding, usually due to a bacterial infection.

If bacteria infiltrate into healthy tissue, then the infection will occur.
Some cells die and disintegrate, leaving a cavity that contains network and the infected cells.
White blood cells which are the body's defenses against infection, moves into these cavity and after ingesting the bacteria, white blood cells will die.
Dead white blood cells that make up pus, which fills the cavity.

As a result of hoarding pus, then the surrounding tissue will be encouraged.
The network ultimately grew around the abscess and a border wall abscess; This is a mechanism of the body to prevent the spread of further infection.
If an abscess ruptures inside, then infection can spread within the body and under the skin's surface, depending on the location of the abscess.

# A bacterial infection can cause abscesses in several ways: the bacteria got under the skin due to the injuries that come from not puncture needle sterile
# bacteria spread from an infection in other parts of the body
# bacteria under normal circumstances live within the human body and does not cause the disorder, sometimes can cause the formation of abscess.

Opportunities the formation of an abscess will be increased if:
# There is dirt or foreign objects in the site of infection
# infected areas get less blood flow
# There are disorders of the immune system.

Abscesses can form in all parts of the body, including the lungs, mouth, rectum and muscle.
Abscesses are often found in the skin or just under the skin, especially if it occurs in the face.

Symptoms of abscesses depends on location and its effects on the function of an organ or nerve.
The symptoms can be:
-pains press
-warm, palpable

An abscess formed right under the skin usually appears as a lump. If the abscess will burst, then the center of the lump would be white because the skin on the top of the thinning.
An abscess in the body, before incurring the symptoms often first grew to be larger. Abscess in more likely to spread infection throughout the body.

Abscess in the skin or under the skin very easily recognizable, while the abscess is often hard to find.
In patients with abscesses, blood examination usually shows an increased number of white blood cells.

To determine the size and location of the abscesses, x-rays, examinations can be performed an ULTRASOUND, CT scan or MRI.

An abscess is often gets better without treatment, abscess ruptured by itself and take out the contents.
Sometimes abscesses disappear slowly because the body destroys infection taking place and absorb the remnants of the infection. An abscess is not broken and can leave a hard bump.

To relieve pain and speed healing, an abscess can be punctured and released its contents.

An abscess has no blood flow, thus giving an antibiotic is usually futile.
Antibiotics can be given after an abscess dries up and this is done to prevent a recurrence. Antibiotics are also given if abscess spread the infection to other parts of the body.

Color Blindness: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

 color blindness symptoms

color blindness symptoms
Color Blindness: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Color Blindness Disease
Color blindness is a condition when the cells of the retina are not able to respond to the color properly.

Cone cells in the retina eye experience attenuation or permanent damage.

A. classification of color blindness:

1. Trikromasi

I.e. eye color sensitivity level changes from one or more of the cone cells in the retina. The type of color blindness is often experienced by people. There are three classifications of derivatives on trikomasi:

* Protanomali, a blind man to know the Red weak colour
* Deuteromali, the green color will be difficult recognized by the sufferer
* Trinomali (low blue), a condition in which the blue colour difficult known sufferer.

2. Dikromasi

That is the State when one of the three cone cells do not exist. There are three classifications of derivatives:
Protanopia, colour red cone cells do not exist so that the level of brightness of the colour or its reunion is less

* Deuteranopia, the retina has no cone cells that are sensitive to the color green
* Tritanopia, blue cone cell is not found.

3. Monokromasi

Monokromasi is often considered to be color blind by the public. This condition is characterized by retinal eye suffered damage total in responding to the color. Only black and white which is able to welcome the retina.

B. Causes Of Color Blindness

Color blindness is a condition that is passed down genetically. Carried by the X chromosome in women, color blindness passed down to his children. When someone is experiencing color blind, their eyes were not able to produce the entire eye pigment necessary for normal function.

C. the facts about color blindness

1. color blindness more common in one man-sex than women. As many as 99% of a color blindness is not able to distinguish between the colors green and red. Also found cases of sufferers who cannot recognize the difference between red and green.
2. defects in the eye this is a genetic disorder that was revealed by the father or the mother.
3. uncertain regarding the number of sufferers, but mentions a study by 8-12% of European men are color blind people. While the percentage of European women are color blind is 0.5-1%. Color blind level on other continents is certainly varied.
4. There is no way to cure color blindness, because he is not a disease but rather a defect of the eye. It could be a color blindness will be tormented with these circumstances. Most companies set the condition that workers should not color blind.
5. to determine whether a person is suffering from color blindness test, performed using a plate named Ishihara.
6. lay people often consider persons with color blindness was only able to see black and white, like watching a black and white silent film. This assumption is wrong.
7. the bull turned out to be color blind. The impression which resulted in red color the animal jumped his emotions, not because of the color red itself.
8. during World War II, soldiers who are color blind is sent to do certain missions. Their inability to see color green dialihfungsikan to detect any camouflage made of the opposing side.
9. famous artists who are color blind are Mark Twain, Paul Newman, Meat Loaf, Bing Cosby, Bob Dole.
10. every person born blind colour when first born.
11. Emerson Moser, senior, crayon maker admitted that her green-blue colour blind and unable to see the overall color.
12. persons with color blindness always haunted by the question "what Color is it?"

Glaucoma | Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

  Glaucoma | Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Glaucoma is a disease in which pressure within the eye increases, so that damage to the nerves and cause a decrease in function optikus vision.

There are 4 types of glaucoma:
# Of Open Angle Glaucoma
# Closed-Angle Glaucoma
# Glaucoma Kongenitalis
# Secondary Glaucoma.

The four types of glaucoma are characterized by increased pressure within the eyeball and therefore everything can lead to nerve damage progressive optikus.


The anterior and posterior Chambers Chambers eyes filled by dilute liquid called humor aqueus.
Under normal circumstances, this fluid produced in the posterior Chamber, passes through the pupil into the anterior chamber and then flows out of the eye through a funnel.
If the flow of this fluid is impaired (usually due to blockage which may inhibit the release of fluid from the anterior Chamber), then there will be increased pressure.

Intraokuler increased pressure will push the boundary between optikus and nerves of the retina at the back of the eye.
As a result the blood supply to the nerve optikus reduced so that her nerves cells die.

Because the neural optikus decline, it will be formed blind spots in the field of view of the eye.
The first hit was airy, and then edge point of view followed by a roomy central point of view.
If left untreated, Glaucoma can lead to blindness in the end.



On the open angle glaucoma, the flowing out of humor aqueus place channels open, but the fluid from the anterior Chamber is flowing too slow.
The pressure will gradually increase (almost always on both eyes) and optikus as well as nerve damage causing decreased functioning of the progressive vision.

Loss of function of vision starts at the edge of space and if not treated will eventually spread to all parts of the field of view, lead to blindness.

Open-angle glaucoma often occurs after the age of 35, but sometimes occurs in children.
The disease tends to be lowered and are most often found in people with diabetes or myopia.
Open angle glaucoma is more common and usually more severe if the disease suffered by Blacks.

At first, increased pressure in the eye do not cause symptoms.
Long-duration of symptoms occurs:
-narrowing of the field of view by
-unclear eyesight disorders (e.g. see the circles around the light bulbs or difficult to adapt in the darkness).

In the end there will be a narrowing causing the sufferer's point of view, airy hard to see objects that are located on the other side when looking straight forward patients (called tunnel vision).

Open-angle glaucoma may cause new symptoms after the occurrence of the damage cannot be repaired.


Closed-angle glaucoma occurs when the channel is flowing out of the humor aqueus hindered by iris.

Every single thing that causes dilation of the pupils (e.g. light dimmer, the pupil pelebar eye drops used for examination of the eye or certain medications) can cause a blockage of the flow of the liquid due to hindered by iris.
Iris can shift forward and suddenly shut down channels of humor aqueus so that an increase in pressure within the eye suddenly.

Attacks can be triggered by the use of eye drops that dilates the pupil or could also arise without any triggers.
Acute glaucoma is more common at night because the pupil will naturally widened under dim light.

Episodes of acute closed angle glaucoma from causing:
-decrease in light eyesight function
-the formation of the colored circles around the light
-pain in the eyes and head.
These symptoms are berrlangsung only a few hours prior to the occurrence of further attacks.

Advanced attacks causing loss of vision function suddenly and eye pain.
Sufferers also experience nausea and vomiting.
Eyelids swollen, red and watery eyes.
Pupils dilated and not shrink if given bright rays.

Most of the symptoms will disappear after the treatment, but such attacks could be repeated.
Each successive attack would further reduce the field of view.


Secondary glaucoma occurs when the eye suffered damage as a result of:
# Infection
# Inflammation
# Tumor
# Cataracts that extends
# Eye diseases that affect stream humor aqueus from the anterior Chamber.

The cause of most frequently found is uveitis.
The other cause is the blockage of a vein oftalmikus, eye surgery, eye injuries and bleeding into the eye.
Some drugs (e.g. corticosteroids) can also cause increased pressure intraokuler.


Glaucoma kongenitalis already there since birth and developmental disorders occur due to channel humor aqueus.
Glaucoma often derived kongenitalis.


Examination of the eyes are wont to do, is:
# Checks with oftalmoskop can indicate changes in nerve optikus caused by glaucoma
# Intraokuler pressure Measurement with tonometri.
Pressure in the anterior Chamber called intraokuler and pressure can be measured with a tonometri.
Usually if the intraokuler pressure greater than 20-22 mm, said there has been an increase in pressure.
Sometimes the glaucoma occurs at normal pressure.
# Measurement fields of view
# Vision Acuity
# Refraction Test
# Reflex response of pupils
# Pemeriksan slit lamp
# Gonioskopi (examination of the specific lens to observe the channel humor aqueus.


Open angle glaucoma

Eye drops drugs can usually control the open angle glaucoma.
The first drug is administered beta blockers (e.g., timolol, betaxolol, carteolol, levobunolol metipranolol or), which is likely to reduce the formation of fluid in the eye.

Pilocarpine is also given to minimize the pupils and increasing the flow of fluid from the anterior Chamber.
Other drugs are also given is epinephrine, dipivephrine and carbacol (to improve the flow of fluid or decrease the formation of liquid).

If glaucoma not controllable with medication or side effects can not be tolerated by the patient, then surgery to improve the flow of fluid from the anterior Chamber.
Laser light is used to make a hole in the iris or surgery to cut out a portion of the iris (iridotomi).

Closed-angle glaucoma

Drink a solution of Glycerin and water can reduce the pressure and stop the attacks of glaucoma.
Can also be given karbonik anhydrase inhibitors (e.g. acetazolamide).

Pilocarpine eye drops causes the pupil shrinks so that iris is interested and open channels are clogged.
To control the pressure intraokuler can be given eye drops beta blockers.

After an assault, administering pilocarpine and beta blockers and inhibitors karbonik anhydrase usually continued.
In severe cases, to reduce pressure normally given manitol intravenously (through a vein).

Laser therapy to make a hole in the iris will help prevent the next attack could cure diseases and often permanently.
If glaucoma cannot be addressed with laser therapy, performed surgery to made a hole in the iris.

If both eyes have a narrow channel, then both eyes treated despite attacks only happen to one's eyes.

Secondary glaucoma

Secondary glaucoma treatment depends on the cause.
If the cause was inflammation, corticosteroid and given drugs to dilate the pupils. Sometimes performed surgically.

Glaucoma kongenitalis

To overcome glaucoma kongenitalis surgery needs to be done.


There is no action that can prevent the onset of glaucoma corners open.
If the disease is found early, then the loss of function of vision and blindness can be prevented with treatment.

People who have suffered closed-angle glaucoma risk should undergo a routine eye examination and, if the risks are high should undergo iridotomi to prevent acute attacks.

seborrhoeic keratosis causes, symptoms, and treatment

seborrhoeic keratosis histology
seborrhoeic keratosis histology

Seborrhoeic Keratosis (Benign Tumors Of The Outer Skin)

Seboreik Keratosis is often a nonmalignant tumor within the outermost layers of your skin.

Explanation for
The cause is not noted for sure.
But the majority of us will ultimately incorporate some keratosis seboreik.

Frequently it's asserted seboreik became a keratosis part of aging weight loss is situated in age of information.
It frequently grows in torso and eyebrow.

seborrhoeic keratosis symptoms
Keratosis seboreik could only found 1 piece or could also form a group of tumors.
Usually Brown, but not consist of light brown to black.
seborrhoeic keratosis pictures
seborrhoeic keratosis pictures
Its size varies and its growth is very slow.
Its shape may be round or oval, and appears such as a affix the epidermis with oily or scaly surfaces.

seborrhoeic keratosis DIAGNOSIS
Diagnosis of enforced according to symptoms.
seborrhoeic keratosis natural treatment
seborrhoeic keratosis natural treatment

seborrhoeic keratosis TREATMENT
When you experience irritation or itch or disturbing appearance, then treatment can be carried out with one of a few following ways:
# Cryosurgery or freezing.
Use liquid nitrogen to freeze seborrhoeic keratosis. Will from the blisters will run dry next form a scab. In a couple of weeks, keratosis will normally be off without attention without leaving traces or sometimes leave black spots that long will fade.
# Curettage would be the means of cutting keratosis using a scalpel.
# Elektrosurgeri use ar

skin tags causes, symptoms, and treatment

skin tags home remedies
skin tags home remedies
Skin Tags are small , soft skin menggelambir, colored like meat or a little darker, that's usually on the neck, armpit or groin.

Skin tags are benign skin growths that often comes after middle age.

The cause is unknown.

Skin tags are exposing skin which could employ a small stalk of menghubungannya using the top of the skin.
Usually do not damage, enlarged and does not indicate a specific change.

Its dimension is smaller, sometimes there are measuring approximately 1 cm; colored like meat or a little darker.
Often found in the neck, underarms, groin or other body folds.

Proper diagnosis of enforced dependant on symptoms.

Usually no need for treatment, except in case of irritation attributable to friction with clothing or disturbing appearance of sufferers.
Appointment can be created throughout the freezing (cryotherapy) or grilled (kauterisasi).

kaposi's sarcoma symptoms, causes, and treatment

kaposi's sarcoma emedicine
kaposi's sarcoma emedicine
kaposi's sarcoma symptoms, causes, and treatment

Kaposi's Sarcoma (cancer of the blood vessels of the skin)

Kaposi's sarcoma is usually a cancer originating in the veins, usually inside skin.

In individuals with AIDS, the condition occurs because of disorders from the body's defence mechanism and research last mentioned the use of a mixture of disease fighting capability disorders having a style of herpes that's not been identified.

There are 2 kinds of sorts of Kaposi's Sarcoma:

1. diseases from the elderly, usually for a European, Jewish or Italian.
Cancer grows very slowly and rarely spread.
2. Disease in children and teenage boys in Africa additionally , on people with AIDS.
Cancer grow much quicker and often involves veins on body organs.

In males of age, Kaposi's Sarcoma usually appear as brownish or purple spots about the toes or limbs.
Cancer can mature to many centimeters in space or higher, as a dark-colored area horizontally or slightly protruding, which has a tendency to bleed and form ulcers.
Cancer can spread slowly towards the limbs.
kaposi's sarcoma prognosis
kaposi's sarcoma prognosis
The individuals of Africa and so on people who have AIDS, cancer usually first looks like mottled pink, red or purple, oval-shaped or round.
These spots can look in a area of the body, but often grow for the face.
Recently other spots can be purchased in certain parts from the body, such as the mouth, also on the internal organs and lymph nodes which enables it to cause internal bleeding.

The Diagnosis is established based on the symptoms and also the results of a biopsy on the skin.
kaposi's sarcoma pictures
kaposi's sarcoma pictures
Kaposi's Sarcoma at the age that grows slowly and isn't coupled with other symptoms, requires no treatment in the least.
Even so the spots can usually be treated with clotting, x-ray therapy or elektrokauterisasi (destruction of tissue by making use of electric needles).

For people with AIDS and a hostile sort of cancer, there isn't a treatment that is very satisfying.
Chemotherapy with vincristine, vinblastin, etoposid, doxorubicin and bleomycin give disappointing results.
Alfa-interferon injections and vincristine into cancer may very well be able to slow the progression with the disease.

melanoma symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

melanoma stages
melanoma stages
 melanoma symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Melanoma is a skin cancer that originates from the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes).

The reason for
Risk factors with the occurrence of melanoma are:
# Genealogy who experienced melanoma
# Red hair or blonde
# The use of multiple atipik mole (birthmark)
# There is keratosis aktinik pre-cancer
# Frekels (brown spots) very clearly within the back from the top
# Suffer blisters from burns of sunshine around 3 x or more prior to the ages of twenty years.

melanoma symptoms
Melanoma might be starting as being a new skin growths are smaller than average pigmented skin is typical.
It quite often grows around the skin which are subjected to sunlight, but nearly half the instances grew from your pigmented moles.

Melanoma is readily spread to distant body parts (metastases have), that may keep growing and destroy tissue.

The less the increase of melanoma within the skin, then your greater the chances to get a cure.
If your melanoma continues to grow deep in the skin, it becomes more prone to spread with the lymph vessels and bloodstream which enable it to cause death in just a month or two or years.

Travel disease melanoma varies and appears to be influenced through the strength with the defense through the defense mechanisms.
Some sufferers are good health condition, in a position to survive through the years although melanomanya has spread.

Warning signs may be the formation of melanoma:

1. the Spots or pigmented moles (especially black or dark blue) that is certainly increasingly enlarged
2. Affect the colorise pigmented moles, particularly the red, white and blue inside the surrounding skin
3. modifications to your skin above the pigmented spots, for instance modifications to the consistency or form
4. signs of inflammation of the epidermis around the Mole.
melanoma pictures
melanoma pictures

melanoma diagnosis
For ensuring the verification of biopsy (tissue sampling being examined with a microscope).

melanoma treatment
When it hasn't spread, your entire melanoma can be removed through surgery. His recovery rate all-around 100%.
But a person that had suffered melanoma, has the risk of return struggling with melanoma. Therefore it is recommended that he execute a skin examination frequently.

Melanoma that has spread to complete chemotherapy, but his recovery minute rates are low and this also situation is normally fatal.

Experimental treatment with interleukin-2 immunoterapi give promising results.
melanoma prognosis
melanoma prognosis
Protect skin in the Sun with:
# Use sunscreen each day (at the very least with SPF 15)
# Work with a hat, glasses, long sleeve shirts, long trousers or long skirts
# Tend not to overcook basking on a sunny day
# Avoid sunlight at noon (12-14).

Ringworm Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Ringworm Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Ringworm Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
 Ringworm Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment 

Ringworm ringworm/disease of Ringworm (tinea)/is really a yeast infection brought on by many different fungi and so are usually grouped by their location on the human body.

Despite its name, the infection of ringworm seriously isn't related to the worm. The name arose considering that the patch of skin within the form of rings developed by the infection.

Explanation for

Different types of mushrooms.


Athletets foot

Called also ringworm on the foot/kadas, is really a infection have a tendency to appears on the hot/warm weather.

Usually attributable to Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, or fungus that could grow in moist and warm areas, between your toes.

The fungus could potentially cause the of scales are extremely smooth without any other symptoms and up scales levels accompanied the rash itch, rude and distress between the toes plus the feet.

Will also be formed blisters containing fluid.

The fungus could potentially cause the foot for being cracked so microbe infections, specifically in individuals with advanced age and sufferers of gannguan the flow of blood towards the feet.

Ringworm within the groin/Kadas

Also known as jick and itch is usually the consequence of quantity of mushrooms.

More commonly found in men and is also more widespread in warm weather.

Chlamydia causes the redness is in the shape of a ring, sometimes accompanied by small blisters around the skin throughout the thigh and skin selangkakan inside.

It may cause itching and in many cases pain.

Although it may be treated often occurs the infection of Deuteronomy.

Kadas/ringworm around the scalp

Microsporum or Trichophyton are the cause.

The sickness is very contagious, particularly in children.

It may resulted in formation of a red scaly rash that may itch or cause baldness that left spots pitak with no rash.

Kadas/ringworm nail

Ringworm diseases nails (tinea unguium, onychomycosis) is usually a nail infection quite often attributable to Trichophyton. The fungus can enter into nails, producing thickening, glowing, and nails tend not to deform. The infection might be more often enough happens about the toenails compared to fingernails fingers. Infected toenails might be detached from your nail, crumbled, or berserpihan.
Ringworm Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Ringworm Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Kadas/ringworm figure

> Cause is Trichophyton.

Chlamydia is frequently colored pink rash menyebakan in the occasional red blotches formed round his middle and clear.

Kadas/mange the Agency can be obtained from every body's skin.

Kadas/ringworm on the beard


A lot of the infections that attack the beard a result of bacteria, not mushrooms.

Jock itch (jock itch) is a bit more common that face men than females and occurs more reguarily in warmer air. Chlamydia started with the folds of skin within the genital area and can spread to the thighs in the top. Usually the scrotum aren't included (unlike a candidiasis). Have a very rash, pink fringe. Eczema marginatum can be extremely itchy and will feel completely sick. Vulnerable people could experience one infection after another.


Diagnosis of enforced depending on symptoms.


Topical fungus remedy
• Amorolfine
• Butenafine
• Ciclopirox
• Clotrimazole
• Econazole
• Haloprogin
• Ketoconazole
• Miconazole
• Naftifine
• Nystatin (Candida)
• Oxiconazole
• Selenium sulfide (shampoos for panu)
• Sulconazole
• Terbinafine
• Terconazole
• Tioconazole
• Tolnaftate
• Undecylenate

Most infections are ringworm disease, except about the scalp and nails, was mild. Antifungal cream usually cure it. Many effective anti-fungal creams can be obtained doctors office; antifungal powder is generally negative. The ingredient in topical antifungal drugs include miconazole, clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, ciclopirox, oxiconazole, butenafine, and terbinafine.

Typically, the cream is applied once or twice each day, along with the treatment ought to be continued for about a week following the rash is finished entirely. If your cream is stopped immediately, the problem is not destroyed, as well as the rash will return. Ciclopirox nail lacquer is likely such as painted on the candida in your fingernails. Botox cosmetic injections usually takes nearly 12 months, however, nevertheless can't effectively.

Some days could be exceeded prior to the antifungal cream relieves symptoms. Corticosteroid creams can be used to help relieve the itching and pain with the first few days. Low-dose hydrocortisone are freely available; corticosteroids are harder demand a prescription and maybe put into anti-fungal cream.

For infections of your skin and nail infections will be more serious or stubborn, a health care professional can prescribe anti-fungal medication for usage with drunk, itraconazole, terbinafine, griseofulvin, are all effective. These prescription medication is used every single day. Some doctors prescribe fluconazole, that's likely given once weekly for three or four weeks for ringworm disease on our bodies.

Scabies (Infection, Mites) symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Scabies (Infection, Mites) symptoms
Scabies (Infection, Mites) symptoms

Scabies can be an infestation of mites that can cause beruntus-small beruntuk redness and itching.

The reason for
Scabies mite Sarcoptes scabiei is brought on by.
This mite infestations can be spread individually through physical contact and sometimes attacked the occupants of merely one House.

These mites are adequate to be seen while using human eye alone and they are often contagious among folks who sleep apart.
The mites can be transmitted via clothing, linens and other objects used together; his lifetime only briefly and ordinary laundering can destroy these mites.

The feminine mite make tunnels beneath topmost layers on the skin and keep their eggs in holes. A couple of days later the eggs hatch the young mites (larvae).
The infection causes itching is terrific, the chance of an hypersensitive reaction on the mites.

The hallmark of scabies itch is extremely good, which can be usually worse during the night.

Hole mites appear as wavy lines with a period of up to 2,5 cm, sometimes by the end there's a small beruntusan.

Hole/tunnel and itching mites most commonly found and felt concerning the fingers, around the wrists, it, armpits, throughout the nipples boobs woman, male genital organ (penis and emptied the phallus), similar to the belt and also the lower perhaps the butt.
Infection is rare for the face, except in kids where lesinya sounds like water blisters.

Long tunnels are difficult to see because it's taught in inflammation that develops caused by scratching.

The Diagnosis is established good symptoms (itching fabulous) along with the link between physical examinations (a tunnel mite).

To be sure the diagnosis microscopic examination can be carried out, within the skin and can be found kerokan presence of mites.

This complaint can be overcome by using a cream containing permethrin have or maybe a solution of lindane.
Both drugs are effective, but lindane usually irritate your skin layer, more toxic and will 't be fond of children.

Sometimes used creams containing corticosteroid (such as hydrocortisone) for several days after the giving of lindane or permethrin have, to lessen itching until every one of the mites die.

Treatment should likewise be generated in the entire household.

To stop back afflicted with mites and to prevent spread to others, take these steps:

1. clean all clothing and fabric. Use domestic hot water, soapy water to wash all clothing, towels and blankets that you at the least 2 days prior to treatment. Dry rich in heat. Dry-clean your stuff can not be washed in your own home.
2. result in the mites starve. Consider placing Your furniture that can't be washed within a closed plastic bag as well as leaving it within a place far through your room, for instance in your garage, for a few weeks. Mites die when they don't eat for any week.

Psedofolikulitis barbae causes, symptoms, and treatment

Pseudofolikulitis barbae is inflammation with the follicles (roots) in locations where the expansion of any beard.

The inflammation occurs because the hair is curly / wavy, making sure that its tip piercing the skin.
This example generally happens in a curly beard hair, especially about the black man.

Staphylococcal bacteria.

Skin in places that the growth in the beard looks reddened, itchy and located a compact pimple or boil.

The identification will depend on symptoms.

Cultures through the infected skin tissue can indicate arsenic intoxication bacteria resulting in the infection.

The top medication is to allow beard grow long. Should the elongated beard hair, then you won't roll-up and puncture the skin.

If you don't want the beard to cultivate, works extremely well depilatori containing tioglikolat or tretinoin (retinoic acid), but the drugs can get to the epidermis.

Excessive Hairiness Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

excessive hairiness in men
excessive hairiness in men

Fur / Excessive Body Hair (Excessive hairiness)

Differences per capita within the quantity of body hair is extremely wide variations. Age, sex, race and ethnicity original one, and hereditary factors determine the volume of body hair. Hair concept of 'excessive' is subjective. Using some cultures, these are viewed as masculine hairy; opposite, hairiness kept away. Some women do not like to obtain any body hair, while others tend not to think about it. Rarely, excessive hair present at birth (because of decreased interference) but it really usually occurs later in everyday life. In women and children, or ovaries be the response to excess output of male hormones. This example may also result from the usage of certain drugs, such as minoxidil, phenytoin, cyclosporine, and anabolic steroids. Porphyria cutanea tarda, an enzyme deficiency disorder, could also cause excessive hair regrowth.


Because of some medical disorders stimulate excessive new hair growth, physicians must distinguish the resulting excessive hair within the underlying medical problems from growing hair measuring only linked to beauty problems.

A doctor first checked other symptoms on androgen excess, such as irregular menstrual cycles, deep voice, baldness, or features of Cushing's syndrome, for example a large round face as well as a effect on unwanted fat involving the shoulders. If some of these symptoms exist, doctors do blood tests to measure levels of which vary using some hormones.


Drugs might cause excessive hair will not continue until it'll cause illnesses. If high testosterone levels confirmed as being the cause, drugs that block the end results, for instance spironolactone, flutamide, or finasteride, can be be extremely helpful but they are rarely used.

Temporary tweezing and waxing methods methods include shaving or cutting hair. Although shaving doesn't make hair grow faster, as represented sometimes thought., It helps make the hair appear thicker. Other common ways while including unplugging and making use of wax, your hair to tug the roots, and use a hair remover medicine (preparation liquids and creams), which chemically lift the hair in the surface. Substantially eflornithine cream to slow new hair growth practically in most people and may reduce the ought to manually lift the hair. Whitening / bleaching hair can cover excessive hair if hair texture thin.

Techniques permanent hair roots have to be destroyed. Electrolysis, through which a stainless steel needle is inserted into each hair follicle, destroying the hair follicle with heat and electric current. Various treatment therapy is often necessary, and a lot follicles often survive due to procedure, permit hair grow back. Anti aging laser treatments destroys many of the hair follicle, most hair grows back soon.

pimple causes, symptoms, and treatment

pimple types
pimple types
 pimple causes, symptoms, and treatment

Acne breakouts can be a disease where the clogged pores of the skin causing beruntus-beruntus and abscesses (pus pockets) that become inflamed and infected.

Acne usually affects adolescents, but could occur at all ages.
Cures usually starts at puberty and will continue for some time.

Probable cause would be the hormonal changes that stimulate the oil glands (sebaceous glands) in the skin.
Other hormonal changes may also trigger acne occur during menstruation, pregnancy, utilization of contraception pills or stress.

Acne is often worse in the winter and improve in summer, probably due to benefits of sunlight.
Berperngaruh little food or no relation to acne, even though some people feel that they are understanding of certain foods.

During puberty, the essential oil glands become active lebik and produce excess oil.
The oil dries, your skin layer is peeling and bacteria collect inside pores of the skin and form blackheads. Blackheads cause blockage from the flow of oil from your follicles sheath (follicles) towards pores.
If the partial blockage, you will have a black nodule; if your blockage total, you will see bumps.

Bacteria grow from the clogged pores and outlines many of the fat in the oil that cause skin irritation.
Acne cases are blackheads and bumps which become irritated.
If the infection and irritation with the acne gets worse, an abscess may form.

If you can find blackheads, pimples and pustules (pus-filled blisters) without abscess, it's called superficial acne.
In the event the acne is inflamed infiltrate into your underlying skin tissue and pus-filled cysts arise that could rupture and become larger abscesses, it can be called deep acne.

Acne commonly appears within the face and shoulders, but not spread on the torso, legs and arms.

For the acne infection can spread and make the formation of larger regions of inflammation and prominent, pus-filled cysts and abscesses; these all can rupture by leaving scars.

Superficial acne tend not to leave scars.
Pressing or seeking to solve can aggravate acne given it increases the odds of superficial infection, inflammation and scar tissue formation.

The diagnosis will be based upon symptoms and physical examination results.

Tepid to warm water compress to melt blackheads making it easier to clear out.
Blackheads can be taken off by his or her own people up to 1-twice / week simply by using a sterile needle or Schamberg extractor.

pimple remedies
pimple remedies
Superficial acne

To reduce acne, bisarythromycin for several weeks.
In adolescents put topical antibiotic clindamycin or erythromycin with or with no irritant (eg tretinoin).
Antibiotics per-oral (orally), namely tetracycline, minocycline, erythromycin or doxicycline, helps to reduce or prevent acne surface.

Sunlight helps dry the skin and increase the risk for formation of scales which have been lightweight so speed healing.
Playing with patients using tretinoin, sun could potentially cause severe irritation.

Tretinoin will come in the sort of creams, liquid or gel and may run dry your skin layer but should be careful.
Jimalam day. Additionally tretinoin thin lubricated, should never the eyes, lips and skin fold angle about the nose.
In the initial few days of use tretinoin, acne may look worse and new improvements occurred within 3-month.

Other drugs which you can use are benzoyl peroxide and sulfur-containing drugs resorcinol.
The medication is usually applied 2 times / day, ie during the night and morning hours.

Acne in

Antibiotics distributed by mouth (tetracycline, minocycline or erythromycin) for a few weeks.
In ladies, pamakaian antibiotics may cause yeast infections of the vagina (vaginitis candidiasis).

If the antibiotics fail, given the per-oral isotretinoin.
This drug is very effective but tend to cause congenital defects inside fetus. Therefore, girls that are undergoing treatment with isotretinoin should likewise use contraception in order to avoid pregnancy. Contraception can be used starting four weeks before, during and 30 days after isotretinoin use.

When you begin taking isotretinoin and every month while taking tretinoin, preferably every married woman a pregnancy test.

Blood tests also need to be conducted to make sure that the drug would not affect blood cells, liver and fat levels (triglycerides and cholesterol). Blood tests performed before and a couple of weeks after treatment begins, then every month for patients undergoing treatment.

Most sufferers taking isotretinoin experienced drought in the eyes, his lips chapped and dry on klit thin lining the vagina or penis. To get over this drought could possibly be given petroleum jelly.
Approximately 15% tretinoin consumer experience pain or stiffness within the large joints reducing back; pain may be reduced should the dose lowered.
Treatment usually lasts as much as 20 weeks. If further treatment solutions are required, preferably spaced about 4 months.

Sometimes inflamed cyst or abscess treated by injecting corticosteroids straight into it.
For draining the pus, can even be made an incision on the cyst or abscess.

Adala dermabrasion is a procedure when the surface of the skin is rubbed with a tool sharpener made of metal to remove the top layer. This procedure is performed to get rid of a tiny scar.

X-ray therapy is not advised for treating acne and corticosteroid ointments can aggravate acne.
For girls with cystic and severe acne in the period is usually given contraceptive pills, though the new results obtained following the using contraceptive pills for 4-six months.

When you treat or clean up acne, you may need to continue treatment or other acne skin care treatments to stop new breakouts. Now and again, you may have to make use of a topical medication on acne-prone areas, continue taking oral contraceptives or attend ongoing light box therapy sessions to hold skin clean. Discuss with your medical professional about how exactly you are able to prevent new erusi.

It's also possible to prevent new zits with self-care measures, for instance washing your skin which has a gentle cleanser and avoid touching or pressing troublesome areas. Another acne prevention tips include:

   1. Wash acne-prone areas only twice a day. Wash out excess oil and dead skin cells. But excessive washing can get to skin. Wash the region using a gentle cleanser and employ oil-free healthy skin care products, water-based.
   2. Use acne cream or gel that can help dry excess oil. Find goods that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid because component.
   3. Avoid heavy makeup base. Choose powder cosmetics instead of cream products as they are less irritating.
   4. Remove make-up before going to bed. Make out cosmetics on the skin can clog the tiny openings of strands of hair (pores). Also, be sure you throw away old makeup and clean cosmetic brushes and applicators regularly with soapy water.
   5. Wear loose clothing. Tight clothing traps heat and moisture and will irritate your epidermis. Also, whenever we can, avoid tight rope, backpacks, helmets or sports equipment to avoid friction against skin.
   6. Shower after exercising or doing strenuous work. Oil and sweat on your skin can trap dirt and bacteria.

ipedema pictures, symptoms, and treatment

lipedema specialist
lipedema specialist

Lipedema is an abnormal accumulation of fat beneath the skin, frequently for the lower limbs, and that is between your calf and ankle.

It seems as if lymphedema, but both are different diseases.

Lipedema more common in women and is particularly a congenital abnormality.

Can the other leg.
Lower leg and ankle is common to get rid of its contours, even so the swelling was tied to the ankle bone instead of on foot.

Limbs can be swollen then there is pain.
Increased exposure of a limb with no fingers left indentation.

Limb skin looks normal but palpable soft, probably because accumulated fat underneath the skin.

Diagnosis is founded on symptoms and physical examination.

To enhance is very important in the leg may be accomplished suctioning fat.

pressure ulcers definition, stages, causes, and treatment

 pressure ulcers pictures and statistics
pressure ulcers pictures and statistics
Decubitus ulcers (wounds as a result of suppression, skin ulcers, bedsores) is harm to your skin layer caused by deficiency of blood flow and irritation of the epidermis since the prominent bone, the place that the skin gets pressure from a bed, wheelchair, cast, splint or other hard objects eventually.

Parts of the body are often experienced decubitus ulcers may be the part where there exists a protrusion of bone, the elbow, heels, hips, ankles, shoulders, back and the back with the head.

pressure ulcers causes
Skin is containing more blood vessels that carry oxygen during the entire lining.
If circulation is interrupted for more than 2-three hours, then this skin will die, who going in the top layer of skin (epidermis).

The reason for reduced blood flow to the skin would be the pressure. If the pressure creates a decrease in blood, your skin is missing out on oxygen will initially appear red and inflamed and form open sores (ulcers).
Normal movement will reduce the pressure to ensure blood continues to flow. Skin boasts a layer of fat that functions as a protective cushion against external pressure.

High-risk of decubitus ulcers purchased at:

   1. People that can't move (eg lame, very weak, deprived)
   2. Those who are can not feel pain, because pain is really a sign that normally encourage want you to move.
      Nerve damage (eg injury, stroke, diabetes) and coma can cause a lower life expectancy chance to feel pain.
   3. People that experience malnutrition (malnutrition) doesn't have a protective layer of fat and skin isn't perfectly recovered from not enough nutrients which have been important.
      Therefore, patients with malnutrition also have a the upper chances of decubitus ulcers.
   4. Friction as well as other harm to the outer layer on the epidermis can cause the development of ulcers.
      Clothes which might be too large or too small, wrinkles about the sheets or shoes that rub against the skin may cause problems for the skin.
      Experience of moisture in the long run (as a consequence of sweat, urine or feces) can break the top of the skin and allows the of ulcers.

pressure ulcers SYMPTOMS
Most of decubitus ulcers distress and itching, in case we have a disruption in the taste, which dalampun ulcer seriously isn't painful.

Decubitus ulcers are categorized into several stages:
Stage # 1: Ulcer yet fully developed
Stage # 2: red and swollen skin, often accompanied by the formation of blisters, the most notable layer of skin actually starts to die
Stage # 3: ulcer did start to arise inside the skin, infiltrate in the deeper layers of the skin
Stage # 4: ulcer penetrates skin and fat, enter into the muscle
Stage # 5: muscle damage
# Stage 6: could be the deepest stage of ulcers, bone damage occurs and in which the occasional bone infection.

If the skin is injured or torn then it will have a different problem, and that is infectivity.
Infections slow healing ulcers are superficial and can be fatal into a deeper ulcers.

pressure ulcers Diagnosis
Diagnosis will be based upon symptoms and physical examination.

pressure ulcers TREATMENT
Treat decubitus ulcers tougher than prevent it.
In the early stages, ulcers usually improve on it's own after pressure is taken away. Maintain health by consuming extra protein and calories can accelerate healing.

If your injured skin must be engrossed in a bandage. In order not connected to the wound, use a teflon coated bandages or contain petrolatum.
For the deeper ulcers, used bandages containing material that resembles gelatin, which can assist the expansion of new skin.

Should the wound is infected or take away the pus, needs to be cleaned with soap or make use of a disinfectant (eg, povidone-iodine).

Sometimes physicians eliminate the old skin debris by making use of a scalpel (debridement).

Deep ulcers are hard to treat.
Sometimes important to healthy skin grafting within the area damaged. But transplant just isn't always possible, especially pda elderly who are from malnutrition.

If you have infection, antibiotics receive.
If the underlying bone infection (osteomyelitis) receive antibiotics Djangkan long as osteomyelitis difficult to cure and will spread from the bloodstream.

pressure ulcers PREVENTION
Decubitus ulcers damage which enables it to be fatal.
Ulcers also cause hospitalization period becomes longer and cost more.

To avoid the of ulcers may be accomplished this measures:
# Changing the position of the patient who are able to not move themselves, at the least every 2 hours to alleviate pressure
# Protect the bony parts of the body with soft materials (for example pillows, foam pads)
# Eat healthy foods with balanced nutrients
# Keeping your skin neat and try and keep skin dry.

In the event the patient has to undergo bed rest for years, will use special mattress, the mattress is stuffed with water or air.