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Showing posts with label stages. Show all posts

What Are HIV and AIDS? How You Get It, Stages, Tests, and More

What Are HIV and AIDS? How You Get It, Stages, Tests, and More
What Are HIV and AIDS? How You Get It, Stages, Tests, and More
This time I will try to discuss about the AIDS disease, understanding the cause of disease of AIDS, the pattern or the AIDS disease as well as the transmission method of handling and treatment given to sufferers of HIV + or AIDS.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The AIDS disease is a disease that is caused as a result of berkembangbiaknya HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in the human body, which is where this virus attacks the white blood cells (CD4 cells) resulting in destruction of the immune system. Loss of or decreased body durability make the sufferer is easy to catch a wide variety of ailments including minor ailments though.

HIV attacks CD4 cells and makes it a breeding ground for new HIV Virus, then ruin it so it can't be used again. As we know that the white blood cells are indispensable for the immune system. Without immune then when our bodies attacked the disease, our bodies are weak and do not strive against infections diseases and as a result we can die even if exposed to influenza or the common cold.

When the human body is exposed to the HIV virus, then it is not a direct cause or suffer from the disease of AIDS, but it takes quite a long time even years for HIV to cause AIDS or HIV positive.

# The way HIV AIDS virus Transmission
1. through the blood. for example; Blood transfusion, HIV + blood on exposed skin that is injured, syringes, etc.

2. Through the liquid cement, semen (sperm or peju men). for example; a man has intercourse with her without using a condom or other safeguards, oral sex, etc.

3. Through vaginal fluid in women. for example; Woman intercourse without protection, pinjam-meminjam sex AIDS, oral sex, etc.

4. Through breast milk (BREAST MILK). for example; Baby drinking BREAST MILK from hiv + women, men drank milk ASI partner, etc.

As for the bodily fluids that do not contain the HIV Virus in HIV + among others Saliva (saliva or saliva), Feces (stools or feces), tears, sweat, water
as well as Urine (urine or urine).

# The signs and symptoms of AIDS Disease
A person affected by HIV in the early beginning of the generally do not provide the typical signs and symptoms, sufferers only experience fever for 3 to 6 weeks depending on the durability of the body while getting the HIV virus contact. After conditions improved, people affected by HIV will stay healthy in recent years and slowly declining body kekebelan/weak to fall ill because of recurring fevers. One way to certainty is to undergo HIV Antibody Test, particularly if someone feels has made a risky activity is exposed to the HIV virus.

As for signs and symptoms of AIDS disease sufferers look on them is as below:

1. respiratory tract. Sufferers experience a short breath, stopping short of breath, cough, chest pain and fever stricken with such other viral infections (Pneumonia). Not uncommon diagnosis at early stage HIV AIDS disease suspected tuberculosis.

2. gastrointestinal tract. The AIDS disease sufferers showed signs and symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, often experiencing fungal diseases in the oral cavity and esophagus, as well as having a chronic diarhea.

3. the weight of the body. Sufferers experience it, also known as wasting syndrome, i.e., body weight loss of up to 10% below normal because of disruptions to systems of protein and energy in the body as it is known as Malnutrition as well as disorders of absorption/absorption of food in the digestive system resulting in chronic diarhea, weary and weak condition less energetic.

4. System Persyarafan. The onset of disorders of the central persyarafan resulting in less memory, headache, difficulty concentrating, confusion and response often seemed to be a member of the motion slows down. At the end of the persyarafan system (Peripheral) will cause pain and tingling in the hands and feet, the tendon reflexes are less, always experiencing low blood tensi and Impotent.

5. System Integument (skin tissue). Sufferers experience bouts of chicken pox virus (herpes simplex) or carar api (shingles) and a variety of skin diseases that cause pain on the skin tissue. The other is having an infection in the skin hairs network (Folliculities), dry skin berbercak (outer layer of skin is cracked) as well as Eczema or psoriasis.

6. Reproductive and urinary tract in women. Sufferers often experience the fungal diseases of the vagina, it is as an early sign of HIV virus infected. Injuries of the urinary tract, syphillis and disease than Men and more women are suffering from the disease of smallpox. The other was a woman of many people with AIDS who are experiencing inflammation of pelvic cavity (bone) known as ' pelvic inflammatory disease term (PID) ' and having irregular menstrual periods (abnormal).

# The handling and treatment of the disease AIDS
Kendatipun from various countries continue to do researchnya in addressing HIV/AIDS, but to date no cure AIDS disease including serums and vaccines which can cure a man of HIV causes the disease AIDS. As for the purpose of administering drugs on people with AIDS is to help improve the durability of the body, improving the quality of life for the known meraka infected HIV in an effort to reduce the number of birth and death.

We are all expected to not isolate and steer clear of HIV sufferers because they need help and support in order to continue living without a lot of expense and passed away to rahmatullah sincerely.

pressure ulcers definition, stages, causes, and treatment

 pressure ulcers pictures and statistics
pressure ulcers pictures and statistics
Decubitus ulcers (wounds as a result of suppression, skin ulcers, bedsores) is harm to your skin layer caused by deficiency of blood flow and irritation of the epidermis since the prominent bone, the place that the skin gets pressure from a bed, wheelchair, cast, splint or other hard objects eventually.

Parts of the body are often experienced decubitus ulcers may be the part where there exists a protrusion of bone, the elbow, heels, hips, ankles, shoulders, back and the back with the head.

pressure ulcers causes
Skin is containing more blood vessels that carry oxygen during the entire lining.
If circulation is interrupted for more than 2-three hours, then this skin will die, who going in the top layer of skin (epidermis).

The reason for reduced blood flow to the skin would be the pressure. If the pressure creates a decrease in blood, your skin is missing out on oxygen will initially appear red and inflamed and form open sores (ulcers).
Normal movement will reduce the pressure to ensure blood continues to flow. Skin boasts a layer of fat that functions as a protective cushion against external pressure.

High-risk of decubitus ulcers purchased at:

   1. People that can't move (eg lame, very weak, deprived)
   2. Those who are can not feel pain, because pain is really a sign that normally encourage want you to move.
      Nerve damage (eg injury, stroke, diabetes) and coma can cause a lower life expectancy chance to feel pain.
   3. People that experience malnutrition (malnutrition) doesn't have a protective layer of fat and skin isn't perfectly recovered from not enough nutrients which have been important.
      Therefore, patients with malnutrition also have a the upper chances of decubitus ulcers.
   4. Friction as well as other harm to the outer layer on the epidermis can cause the development of ulcers.
      Clothes which might be too large or too small, wrinkles about the sheets or shoes that rub against the skin may cause problems for the skin.
      Experience of moisture in the long run (as a consequence of sweat, urine or feces) can break the top of the skin and allows the of ulcers.

pressure ulcers SYMPTOMS
Most of decubitus ulcers distress and itching, in case we have a disruption in the taste, which dalampun ulcer seriously isn't painful.

Decubitus ulcers are categorized into several stages:
Stage # 1: Ulcer yet fully developed
Stage # 2: red and swollen skin, often accompanied by the formation of blisters, the most notable layer of skin actually starts to die
Stage # 3: ulcer did start to arise inside the skin, infiltrate in the deeper layers of the skin
Stage # 4: ulcer penetrates skin and fat, enter into the muscle
Stage # 5: muscle damage
# Stage 6: could be the deepest stage of ulcers, bone damage occurs and in which the occasional bone infection.

If the skin is injured or torn then it will have a different problem, and that is infectivity.
Infections slow healing ulcers are superficial and can be fatal into a deeper ulcers.

pressure ulcers Diagnosis
Diagnosis will be based upon symptoms and physical examination.

pressure ulcers TREATMENT
Treat decubitus ulcers tougher than prevent it.
In the early stages, ulcers usually improve on it's own after pressure is taken away. Maintain health by consuming extra protein and calories can accelerate healing.

If your injured skin must be engrossed in a bandage. In order not connected to the wound, use a teflon coated bandages or contain petrolatum.
For the deeper ulcers, used bandages containing material that resembles gelatin, which can assist the expansion of new skin.

Should the wound is infected or take away the pus, needs to be cleaned with soap or make use of a disinfectant (eg, povidone-iodine).

Sometimes physicians eliminate the old skin debris by making use of a scalpel (debridement).

Deep ulcers are hard to treat.
Sometimes important to healthy skin grafting within the area damaged. But transplant just isn't always possible, especially pda elderly who are from malnutrition.

If you have infection, antibiotics receive.
If the underlying bone infection (osteomyelitis) receive antibiotics Djangkan long as osteomyelitis difficult to cure and will spread from the bloodstream.

pressure ulcers PREVENTION
Decubitus ulcers damage which enables it to be fatal.
Ulcers also cause hospitalization period becomes longer and cost more.

To avoid the of ulcers may be accomplished this measures:
# Changing the position of the patient who are able to not move themselves, at the least every 2 hours to alleviate pressure
# Protect the bony parts of the body with soft materials (for example pillows, foam pads)
# Eat healthy foods with balanced nutrients
# Keeping your skin neat and try and keep skin dry.

In the event the patient has to undergo bed rest for years, will use special mattress, the mattress is stuffed with water or air.

pityriasis rosea causes, stages, and treatment

pityriasis rosea recurrence
pityriasis rosea recurrence

Pityriasis Rosea can be a mild disease that causes inflammation on the epidermis with formation of reddish scales.

Can occur at ages young and old but most often occur in adults.
It usually appears during spring and winter.

Suspected cause can be a virus.

A panic attack usually is 4-2 months.

Pityriasis rosea usually begins to be a single spot that has a larger size, which is called a herald or mother patch patch.
A short time later the other spots looks smaller.
Secondary spotting is mostly that comes with the trunk, especially on the spine.

Rash has strict limits, could spread, abnormal skin that appears such as scales from the middle however the edges stick.
Skin looks red and inflamed, with itching sifarnya mild to severe.
Round or oval-shaped area this usually is situated the trunk.

May develop fatigue, headache and itching sometimes very disturbing.
pityriasis rosea contagious
pityriasis rosea contagious
Diagnosis is dependant on symptoms and physical examination.

Usually no treatment, the rash will disappear within 4-5 weeks, though sometimes can settle around 8 weeks and up.

Sunlight or artificial sunlight can naturally relieve pitiriasis faster and minimize the itching.

Creams containing menthol is able to reduce itching.

Although rare, could be given corticosteroids orally (orally) for severe itching.

To reduce itching antihistamines could be due to mouth.