Glaucoma | Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

  Glaucoma | Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Glaucoma is a disease in which pressure within the eye increases, so that damage to the nerves and cause a decrease in function optikus vision.

There are 4 types of glaucoma:
# Of Open Angle Glaucoma
# Closed-Angle Glaucoma
# Glaucoma Kongenitalis
# Secondary Glaucoma.

The four types of glaucoma are characterized by increased pressure within the eyeball and therefore everything can lead to nerve damage progressive optikus.


The anterior and posterior Chambers Chambers eyes filled by dilute liquid called humor aqueus.
Under normal circumstances, this fluid produced in the posterior Chamber, passes through the pupil into the anterior chamber and then flows out of the eye through a funnel.
If the flow of this fluid is impaired (usually due to blockage which may inhibit the release of fluid from the anterior Chamber), then there will be increased pressure.

Intraokuler increased pressure will push the boundary between optikus and nerves of the retina at the back of the eye.
As a result the blood supply to the nerve optikus reduced so that her nerves cells die.

Because the neural optikus decline, it will be formed blind spots in the field of view of the eye.
The first hit was airy, and then edge point of view followed by a roomy central point of view.
If left untreated, Glaucoma can lead to blindness in the end.



On the open angle glaucoma, the flowing out of humor aqueus place channels open, but the fluid from the anterior Chamber is flowing too slow.
The pressure will gradually increase (almost always on both eyes) and optikus as well as nerve damage causing decreased functioning of the progressive vision.

Loss of function of vision starts at the edge of space and if not treated will eventually spread to all parts of the field of view, lead to blindness.

Open-angle glaucoma often occurs after the age of 35, but sometimes occurs in children.
The disease tends to be lowered and are most often found in people with diabetes or myopia.
Open angle glaucoma is more common and usually more severe if the disease suffered by Blacks.

At first, increased pressure in the eye do not cause symptoms.
Long-duration of symptoms occurs:
-narrowing of the field of view by
-unclear eyesight disorders (e.g. see the circles around the light bulbs or difficult to adapt in the darkness).

In the end there will be a narrowing causing the sufferer's point of view, airy hard to see objects that are located on the other side when looking straight forward patients (called tunnel vision).

Open-angle glaucoma may cause new symptoms after the occurrence of the damage cannot be repaired.


Closed-angle glaucoma occurs when the channel is flowing out of the humor aqueus hindered by iris.

Every single thing that causes dilation of the pupils (e.g. light dimmer, the pupil pelebar eye drops used for examination of the eye or certain medications) can cause a blockage of the flow of the liquid due to hindered by iris.
Iris can shift forward and suddenly shut down channels of humor aqueus so that an increase in pressure within the eye suddenly.

Attacks can be triggered by the use of eye drops that dilates the pupil or could also arise without any triggers.
Acute glaucoma is more common at night because the pupil will naturally widened under dim light.

Episodes of acute closed angle glaucoma from causing:
-decrease in light eyesight function
-the formation of the colored circles around the light
-pain in the eyes and head.
These symptoms are berrlangsung only a few hours prior to the occurrence of further attacks.

Advanced attacks causing loss of vision function suddenly and eye pain.
Sufferers also experience nausea and vomiting.
Eyelids swollen, red and watery eyes.
Pupils dilated and not shrink if given bright rays.

Most of the symptoms will disappear after the treatment, but such attacks could be repeated.
Each successive attack would further reduce the field of view.


Secondary glaucoma occurs when the eye suffered damage as a result of:
# Infection
# Inflammation
# Tumor
# Cataracts that extends
# Eye diseases that affect stream humor aqueus from the anterior Chamber.

The cause of most frequently found is uveitis.
The other cause is the blockage of a vein oftalmikus, eye surgery, eye injuries and bleeding into the eye.
Some drugs (e.g. corticosteroids) can also cause increased pressure intraokuler.


Glaucoma kongenitalis already there since birth and developmental disorders occur due to channel humor aqueus.
Glaucoma often derived kongenitalis.


Examination of the eyes are wont to do, is:
# Checks with oftalmoskop can indicate changes in nerve optikus caused by glaucoma
# Intraokuler pressure Measurement with tonometri.
Pressure in the anterior Chamber called intraokuler and pressure can be measured with a tonometri.
Usually if the intraokuler pressure greater than 20-22 mm, said there has been an increase in pressure.
Sometimes the glaucoma occurs at normal pressure.
# Measurement fields of view
# Vision Acuity
# Refraction Test
# Reflex response of pupils
# Pemeriksan slit lamp
# Gonioskopi (examination of the specific lens to observe the channel humor aqueus.


Open angle glaucoma

Eye drops drugs can usually control the open angle glaucoma.
The first drug is administered beta blockers (e.g., timolol, betaxolol, carteolol, levobunolol metipranolol or), which is likely to reduce the formation of fluid in the eye.

Pilocarpine is also given to minimize the pupils and increasing the flow of fluid from the anterior Chamber.
Other drugs are also given is epinephrine, dipivephrine and carbacol (to improve the flow of fluid or decrease the formation of liquid).

If glaucoma not controllable with medication or side effects can not be tolerated by the patient, then surgery to improve the flow of fluid from the anterior Chamber.
Laser light is used to make a hole in the iris or surgery to cut out a portion of the iris (iridotomi).

Closed-angle glaucoma

Drink a solution of Glycerin and water can reduce the pressure and stop the attacks of glaucoma.
Can also be given karbonik anhydrase inhibitors (e.g. acetazolamide).

Pilocarpine eye drops causes the pupil shrinks so that iris is interested and open channels are clogged.
To control the pressure intraokuler can be given eye drops beta blockers.

After an assault, administering pilocarpine and beta blockers and inhibitors karbonik anhydrase usually continued.
In severe cases, to reduce pressure normally given manitol intravenously (through a vein).

Laser therapy to make a hole in the iris will help prevent the next attack could cure diseases and often permanently.
If glaucoma cannot be addressed with laser therapy, performed surgery to made a hole in the iris.

If both eyes have a narrow channel, then both eyes treated despite attacks only happen to one's eyes.

Secondary glaucoma

Secondary glaucoma treatment depends on the cause.
If the cause was inflammation, corticosteroid and given drugs to dilate the pupils. Sometimes performed surgically.

Glaucoma kongenitalis

To overcome glaucoma kongenitalis surgery needs to be done.


There is no action that can prevent the onset of glaucoma corners open.
If the disease is found early, then the loss of function of vision and blindness can be prevented with treatment.

People who have suffered closed-angle glaucoma risk should undergo a routine eye examination and, if the risks are high should undergo iridotomi to prevent acute attacks.


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