lichen planus causes, symptoms, and treatment

lichen planus causes, symptoms, and treatment
lichen planus causes, symptoms, and treatment

lichen planus causes, symptoms, and treatment

Lichen ruber planus is often a recurrent itchy disease, starts to be a rash of tiny bumps that spread, that's then fused to create rough scaly plaques (spots stand out).

Approximately 50% of patients with lichen planus have open sores in his mouth.

The actual cause is unknown, but seems relevant to an hypersensitivity or immunologic response.

This ailment arises after contact with allergens (substances that create hypersensitive reactions) are strong, like pharmaceuticals, dyes and other chemicals.
The symptoms increase when patients experience emotional stress, possibly on account of changes in the disease fighting capability during stress.

Lichen ruber planus usually is situated middle age, rarely affects children.
The first attack may are a few weeks or several months, then relapsed again improved over time bertahn.

Drug or chemical that is certainly linked to the occurrence of lichen ruber planus are:
# Compounds of gold (that is utilized to help remedy arthritis)
# Antibiotics
# Arsenic
# Iodine
# Malaria drug (klorokin, kuinakrin, kuinidin)
# Antimony
# Phenothiazines
# Diuretics (klorotiazid).
lichen planus pathology
lichen planus pathology
The initial episode may begin gradually or suddenly and persist for several weeks or a few months.
Usually disappears alone, however the spots are often recurred and could recur for countless years.
Almost always cause itchy rash, sometimes very heavy.

Lumps usually are colored purple and also have angular edges.
In the event the light on the side forwarded to bump this, you will see a unique sheen.
If scratched or minor skin injury, may develop new bumps.
Following rash improved, sometimes leaving a dark stain around the skin.

Usually the rash spreads symmetrically, generally from the mouth, torso, inner wrist, leg, tip of the penis and vagina. Face is rarely affected.
Rash on legs, usually broad and scaly.
The rash sometimes causes patches of baldness on the scalp.

Sores in the mouth usually bluish white and form a line.
These injuries often occur before the appearance of rash.
Usually won't distress unless the wound is quite deep.

The verification will depend on symptoms, physical examination, and patterns of recurrence in the disease.

To confirm diagnosing of skin biopsy can be done.

Drugs or chemicals that cause lichen planus really should be avoided.

Antihistamines (eg, diphenhydramine, or chlorpheniramine hydroxizin) might be inclined to treat the itching.

Corticosteroids is usually injected in a lump, used on skin or given by mouth (orally), sometimes coupled with other medications for example tretinoin.

For painful mouth sores which might be given a mouthwash containing lidocaine, used before you eat.


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