Showing posts with label hyperlipidemia symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hyperlipidemia symptoms. Show all posts

Hyperlipidemia Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments

Hyperlipidemia Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments 

Hyperlipidemia (hyperlipoproteinemia) could be the high fat levels (cholesterol, triglycerides or both) from the blood.

Fats (also referred to as lipids) are energy-rich substances, which can serve as the primary energy source to the body's metabolic processes. Fats from food or formed in the body, specially in the liver which enables it to be held in fat cells for future use.
Fat cells also protects the body from the cold so it helps protect our bodies against injury.
Fat is central to the part of cell membranes, nerve sheaths that wrap around nerve cells and bile.

2 main fat inside blood are cholesterol and triglycerides.
Fat bind itself to particular protein that will keep to the blood circulation; blend of fat and protein is known as lipoprotein.
Lipoprotein main ones are:
- Chylomicrons
- VLDL (really low density lipoproteins)
- LDL (rarity lipoproteins)
- HDL (high density lipoproteins)

Every type of lipoprotein incorporates a different function and is divided and dumped in a very slightly different way.
For instance, chylomicrons from the gut and carry certain types of fat that's been digested in the intestine into your bloodstream. A series of enzymes then take fat from chylomicrons are being used as energy or be saved in fat cells. Eventually, the residual chylomicrons (that the fat may be taken) taken out of the bloodstream with the liver.

Body regulate lipoprotein levels in a number of ways:

   1. Lessen the formation of lipoproteins and lipoprotein reduces the number of blood that goes into
   2. Increase or decrease the interest rate of disposal of lipoproteins from the blood.

Abnormal numbers of fat in the circulation of blood (especially cholesterol) might cause long-term problems. The risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart or arteria carotis disease increases in the person who includes a high total levels of cholesterol.
Low cholesterol are often better than high cholesterol levels, however the levels are so low is not good.
The ideal total cholesterol level is 140-200 mg / dL or less. If the total levels of cholesterol approaching 300 mg / dL, the potential risk of stroke might be more than 2 times.

Its not all cholesterol boost the risk of cardiopathy. Cholesterol carried by LDL (referred to as bad cholesterol) cause increased risk; cholesterol carried by HDL (good cholesterol otherwise known as) triggered decrease the risk and benefit.
Ideally, Cholestrerol levels levels should not exceed 130 mg / dL and HDL blood choleseterol levels should not be a lot less than 40 mg / dL.
HDL levels will include over 25% on the total cholesterol. As a risk factor of heart problems or stroke, total cholesterol levels less important than the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol and the ratio of Cholesterol levels to HDL cholesterol.

Is high triglyceride levels raise the risk of cardiopathy or stroke, remains to be unclear.
Blood triglyceride levels above 250 mg / dL is recognized as abnormal, but high levels will not be always increase the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart. Extremely high triglyceride levels (up to a lot more than 800 mg / dL) can cause pancreatitis.

Lipoprotein levels, especially Cholesterol levels, increases as we grow old. Under normal circumstances, men have higher levels, but the levels after menopause in women starts to rise.
Another factor bringing about high levels of certain fats (such as VLDL and LDL) are:
# Family history of hyperlipidemia
# Obesity
# Fat-rich diet
# Less exercise
# Utilization of alcohol
# Smoking cigarettes
# Diabetes isn't well controlled
# Underactive thyroid gland.

Many instances of elevated levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol are temporary but not severe, and especially on account of eating fat.
Disposal of blood fat in everyone incorporates a different speed. An individual can eat large amounts of animal fat and don't have total blood choleseterol levels over 200 mg / dL, and some undergo a strict low-fat diet and not have total blood choleseterol levels below 260 mg / dL.
This difference seems to be genetic and is particularly widely from the difference inside speed of entry and exit of lipoproteins through the body.

Usually high-fat content does not cause symptoms.
Sometimes, if your level is extremely high, fatty deposits will form a so-called xantoma increase in the tendon (tendon) as well as on skin.

Very good triglyceride levels (approximately 800 mg / dL or maybe more) could cause an enlarged liver and spleen and signs and symptoms of pancreatitis (eg, severe abdominal pain).

Blood test to measure amounts of total cholesterol.
To measure the degree of Cholestrerol levels, HDL and triglycerides, the affected person should fast for a minimum of first 12 hours.