Showing posts with label how to stop nose bleeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to stop nose bleeding. Show all posts

how to stop nose bleeding

 nose bleeding childern
nose bleeding childern
Nose Bleeding (Epistaksis, Nosebleed)

Nose bleeding (Epistaksis, Nosebleed) is pardarahan which originates from the nose.


Reasons for epistaksis:

1. local Infection
2. the dry mucous membranes inside the nose injury
-Trauma, for instance scraping the nose, drop, hit, arsenic intoxication foreign bodies inside the nose surgery, trauma or irritation by stimulating gas
-Nasal fractures
3. coronary disease
-Narrowing from the arteries (arteriosclerosis)
-Blood pressure
4. systemic Infection
-Dengue fever
5. Blood Disorders
-Anemia aplastik
-Hereditary hemoragik Telangiektasi
6. Tumors inside the nose, the sinuses or nasopharynx, either benign or malignant
7. Endocrine Disorders, for instance pregnancy, menopause and menars
8. environmental Influences, like sudden adjustments to atmospheric pressure (such as from the aviators and divers/Gas embolism) and the environmental air is incredibly cold
9. foreign matter and rinolit, may cause mild nosebleed accompanied foul-smelling mucus
10. Idiopathic, is usually a mild nosebleed and repetitive in youngsters and adolescents.


Epistaksis are split into two groups:
# Epistaksis: anterior bleeding emanates from the septum (dividing the left and right nostrils) the front, i.e. from Plexus Kiesselbach or anterior etmoidalis artery.
Usually bleeding seriously isn't so great and when the person sits down, blood being subtracted from one nostril. Can frequently stop spontaneously and easily overcome.
# Epistaksis: posterior hemorrhage emanates from the deepest part of the nose, i.e. from the artery and posterior etmoidalis artery sfenopalatina.
Epistaksis posterior often happens to elderly, ladies with hypertension, arteriosclerosis or cardiovascular disease. Bleeding is generally excellent and rarely stops spontaneously.
Blood to flow backwards, i.e., mouth and throat.

The identification will be based upon symptoms and upheld results of physical examinations.

Other checks are increasingly being created to strengthen the diagnosis of epistaksis:
-Blood banks complete Examination
Hemostatis functions
-Liver and kidney function tests
-Study of the photo in the nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx


Anterior Epistaksis
# The individual should sit upright in order that the pressure decreases and easy membatukkan vascular blood from throat
# Epistaksis anterior light usually be stopped by pressing the tip in the nose for five-ten minutes
# If above actions are not able to stop the bleeding, then installed tampon anterior has moistened with adrenaline and lidocain or pantocain to prevent bleeding as well as lowering pain
# Following the bleeding stopped, is performed by spraying the bleeding source blockage of aqueous silver nitrate of 20-30% (or trichloracetat acid 10%) or with electrocautery
# In the event the way the bleeding still continues, then a required installation of the anterior tampon have been given the antibiotic ointment or petrolatum so they won't cling so repeated bleeding will not occur in the event the tampon is released. Anterior Tampon inserted through the nostril in the front, fitted quilted between basic approximately the superior with the nasal cavity and really should press the source of bleeding. Tampons are installed for 1-2 days.
# When there is no underlying disease, sufferers must not be treated and requested more seating and raised his head a bit at night. Elderly patients should be treated.

Epistaksis posterior
On the posterior, epistaksis many of the blood into the mouth so your installation can't stop tampons anterior bleeding.
Posterior hemorrhage harder to conquer because bleeding is often top notch and hard to begin to see the back with the nasal cavity.
Done mounting posterior tampon (tampon Bellocq), namely tampons who have three strands of yarn, 1 strands in both sides and 1helai in the center. Tampons are installed for 2-three days combined with the granting of any per-antibiotics taken orally to stop infection within the sinus and tympanic cavity.

On epistaksis heavy and repetitive, that can't be overcome by mounting the tampon, the binding needs to do anterior and posterior etmoidalis artery or even the internal arteria maxillaris.

Epistaksis because of broken bones or nasal septum are usually short and stopped spontaneously, sometimes pops up a couple of hours or possibly a couple of days later following the swelling decreases.
If this sounds like true could need surgery within the broken bones or binding of the artery.

In patients with hereditary hemoragik telangiektasi (malformed veins), an incredible epistaksis can cause severe anemia that is not easily corrected by administering supplemental iron.
To beat anemia, skin grafting was conducted into