Showing posts with label What is Xanthomatosis Serebrotendinosa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is Xanthomatosis Serebrotendinosa. Show all posts

What is Xanthomatosis Serebrotendinosa

Xantomatosis Serebrotendinosa is a rare hereditary disease, that's attributable to the accumulation kolestanol (a metabolic product of cholesterol) in the network.

The ailment eventually ended in:
- Uncontrolled movement
- Dementia (dementia)
- cataracts
- The development of fat (xantoma) within the tendon (the tendon).
These symptoms often emerged when patients aged over 3 decades.

When these symptoms appear early, kenodiol drug may help stop the progression of the disease, but it really cannot heal the damage containing happened before.