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Angioma can be a benign tumour of arteries or lymph vessels that are commonly present in and beneath skin and create a red or purple color around the skin.
Angioma is usually a congenital birth or appear immediately after birth which enables it to be called as birthmarks.
One-third of latest babies born posseses an image bervariasid, angioma's usually only causes problems of cosmetics.
Many of the missing angioma by itself.
Port-wine stains
Also called nevi flammeus, is a pink, red or purple horizontal and obtained from birth.
Normally be settled, however the small flammeus nevi face can disappear in some months.
Most nevi flammeus is harmless, only causing cosmetic disorders only.
Sometimes is whithin addition to nevi flammeus Sturge-Weber Syndrome (a genetic disorder that triggers backwardness).
Nevi small flammeus may be camouflaged with cosmetic cream.
Whether it's considered annoying, is easy to remove using a beam of light.
Capillary Hemangioma
Also referred to as strawberry marks, is usually a bright red color using a diameter of 1-10 cm.
Capillary Hemangioma usually occurs right after birth and so are more likely to grow slowly through the initial few months.
A lot more than 75% of cases disappear as a whole in the chronilogical age of 7 years, but some of them left the region colored kecoklata wrinkles.
Usually doesn't require any special treatment, unless it really is located at the eyes or other vital organs in an attempt to produce a nuisance.
To reduce its size might be given per-oral corticosteroids (eg prednison); best if began to be drunk at the time of hemangioma sets out to dilate.
Rarely performed surgery to eliminate capillary hemangioma since leaving extensive scarring.
Cavernous Hemangioma
Cavernous Hemangioma is really a red or purplish happens caused by dilation of veins and is innate.
Cavernous hemangioma may form a wound open and bleed, and afterward will disappear simply.
Neglected, the cavernous hemangioma is seldom disappear altogether.
To children given prednison per-oral.
If the small size it is usually eliminated through elektrokoagulasi (destruction of tissue with electric needles).
Sometimes surgery is needed to be done, in particular when a rise in the blood circulation from the cavernous hemangioma causes swelling in the arms or legs.
Spider nevus
Vascular spider is often a list of abnormal blood vessels offering an understanding to resemble a spider; the central part is colored reddish spots or purplish accompanied a little bulge-bulge.
If we hit the core, then this color of the spider nevus will disappear for some time.
Spider angioma is frequently found in those with cirrhosis of the liver, a pregnant woman or oral contraceptive users.
Spider nevus usually doesn't cause symptoms; These alerts will disappear without treatment within 6-9 months after birth or after pill use stopped.
For the purpose of cosmetics, destruction of the core is possible with elektrokoagulasi.
Limfangioma is often a benign tumor within the lymph vessels.
Limfangioma appear as bumps that occur a result of the widening of an bunch of lymph vessels; almost all of the yellowish-brown color, but there are reddish colored.
If impaled, will issue a definite liquid.
Usually doesn't require any special treatment.
The appointment of limfangioma through surgery should involve dermis and tissue under the skin on account of grow deep in the limfangioma.