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smallpox disease pictures |
Smallpox Disease symptoms causes and treatment - Smallpox is a bacterial infection that causes wounds that rapidly transmitted and accompanied the crust (crusta) is yellow and shiny.
Monkey pox often occur on the face, especially around the mouth.
The disease is easily transmitted to others through his wounds or through a dirty fingers.
A. Treatment:
1. Wash the sore with SOAP and boiled water, dampen a slowly and clear keraknya
2. Apply gentian violet or antibiotic ointment such as polyporin or tetracycline in wound, if you have these medicines
3. If the infection has spread and expanded or cause the elevation of body temperature, give penicillin tablets. This is done with the supervision of health workers.
B. Prevention:
1. follow the instructions on the individual Hygiene. To accustom yourself to the care of personal health, the expected impact of cacak will be reduced.
2. always wash hands with SOAP after waking up in the morning, or after defecation and before eating.
3. get used to wearing footwear, also for children.
4. Mandikan children every day and lingungilah them from rotting and insects mite bites fly bite. When a child suffering from scabies, obatilah as soon as possible
5. do not let a child suffering from smallpox left sleeping or playing with other kids. Start to treat it when the first signs of smallpox appears.
C. Cangkrang/Chicken Pox/Varicella
A mild viral infection started going 2 to 3 weeks after a child ditulari by other children who had chickenpox.
Incubation period: 2-3 weeks
D. signs of chicken pox:
First of all comes a lot of small-sized patches, red, and itchy. Then these spots turn into bintul (papillae) or blisters (vesicula), smashed and eventually form a scab (crusta). Usually these spots began to arise in the body, then spread on the face, arms, and legs. There may be swelling, blisters and the scab while at the same time.
E. Prevention Of Chicken Pox
1. Vaccination 7
2. Varicella Zoster Immunoglobulin (VZIG) 3.
This infection will last for one week. Mandikan children every day with SOAP and warm water. To relieve the itching, attach a piece of cloth moistened with the liquid that comes from the grain and water that has been boiled and filtered. Trim your fingernails fingers with short-short. If keropengnya is experiencing an infection, apply gentian violet or antibiotic ointment on the scab.
F. facts about chicken pox:
1. chicken pox Disease commonly found in children and 90% of them aged under 9 years old. While at the age of 15 years, the percentage of people who are exposed to chicken pox has reached 90%.
2. Smallpox infection be caused by primary (first time) Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV).
3. after declared cured, VZV may not necessarily be lost from the body. This Virus will be settled at the specific nerves to be activated then herpes zoster (chickenpox or shingles snake)
4. Herpes zoster commonly occurs at the age of 60 years.
5. the mortality rate due to chicken pox around 1.4: 100,000
6. on some groups, chickenpox may cause serious complications such as chickenpox that weight throughout the body, pneumonia and hepatitis
G. Vulnerable Groups the disease chicken pox:
1. Infants under age 28 days
2. a person with a low immune system (e.g. patients with HIV, organ graft recipients, recipient of chemotherapy, patients with leukemia)