Showing posts with label IBS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IBS. Show all posts

3 ways to be happier and healthier than irritable bowel syndrome

3 ways to be happier and healthier than irritable bowel syndrome

Let me ask you something. Why Tyra Banks, Camille Grammar and Cybil Sheppard all have in common? They have all the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome - along with about 20% of the general population, according to new research.

The IBS Diva. I say this with irritable bowel syndrome has no death penalty. There are several ways to treat, but will only be successful and happy life and healthy. Yes, I know it can be a bit annoying from time to time - always looking for the nearest bathroom when you go in the middle of the movie and eating certain foods only.

IBS Diva will not allow a good time, though. We must not allow their own way, either.

This is the third part of the advice is simple IBS singer for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.

First, are still important, honey. Act as such. Change your attitude about the dysfunction. Do not eject. I was tough, no nonsense leader. I think so.

Second, do not stress - very different. The IBS Diva, Sleeping Beauty. Make sure there is at least eight hours a night. Allow your body to renew and heal the night. Then you wake up in the great singer of IBS.

In third place to continue the search. Even the singer IBS try to find a solution for irritable bowel syndrome. Let's face it. This disorder can not walk in the park. But there are ways to treat and a happy and healthy. Search by them during their journey to accept only. This can only help.

Honey, you should look at irritable bowel syndrome as a challenge to overcome, not a death sentence. With the right attitude and willingness to develop innovative and effective changes in the field of food and medical solutions to treat, you can create a healthy and happy life with the Association.