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Diarrheal Diseases - Definition Causes Treatment |
Diarrheal Diseases - Definition Causes Treatment
The Definition Of
A disease with signs of any change in the shape and consistency of the stool, which melembek until melted and the increase of the frequency of diarrhea more than usual. (3 or more times in 1 day.
Factors affecting diarrhea:
The Nutritional Environment Of Residence
Social, economic and educational behaviour of Society
The cause of the occurrence of diarrhea:
1. bacteria, viruses, parasites (worms, fungi, protozoa)
2. the drinks/food poisoning caused by bacteria or chemicals
3. nutrition deficiency
4. allergic to milk
5. defesiensi Immuno
Transmission method:
Infection by agents cause occurs when eating food/drinking water contaminated by feces/diarrhea sufferers are flooded. Direct transmission may also occur when contaminated hands were used to buy food.
The term diarrhea:
Diarrhea acute = less than 2 weeks
Persistent diarrhea = over 2 weeks
Dysentery = diarrhea accompanied by blood with or without phlegm
Kholera = tinjanya where diarrhoea Cholera germs
Tatalaksana sufferers proper and effective diarrhea:
Tatalaksana patients with diarrhea at home
Improve the provision of household liquid (gravy vegetable, starch, water, salt, sugar solution when there are given oral rehydration therapy)
Continue feeding the software and do not stimulate as well as extra food after the diarrhea.
Bringing people with diarrhoea to health facilities if it does not improve within 3 days or:
1. bowel movements more often and a lot
2. continuous vomiting
3. a real thirst
4. can not drink or eat
5. high fever
6. There is blood in the stool
Diarrhea OUTBREAK/Criteria:
Increased incidence of death due to diarrhea/pain continuously for 3 consecutive period (hours, days, weeks). -Increased incidence/death cases of diarrhea 2 times/lebih compared the number of deaths due to diarrhea/pain usually occurs in the previous period (hours, days, weeks). -CFR because of diarrhea in a certain period showed a rise of 50% or more compared to previous priode.
Procedures For Tackling The OUTBREAK/Plague.
1. period of the OUTBREAK
Information on the possibility of impending OUTBREAK/plague is to implement an early Warning System carefully, in addition to other langkh steps melakukakukan:
1. increase the awareness of good public health early SKD, energy and logistics.
2. to form and train the TEAM Fast Motion clinic.
3. Intensifying health education in community
4. Improving laboratory work
5. enhance cooperation with other agencies
Team Fast Motion (TGC):
A group of health workers in charge of completing observations of field outbreaks and countermeasures in accordance with the data of the patient data or health investigation epideomologis. Task/kegiatan:
Search for other survivors who did not come on medical treatment.
Rectal swab-taking against those suspected of mainly family members
Sampling well water, river water etc, which is allegedly heavily polluted factories and as a source of transmission.
Case tracking to find the origin of the transmission and anticipate its spread
Prevention of dehydration by administering oral rehydration therapy for each patient was found in the field.
Penyuluhahn good per person or family
Make a report about the incident and ways of tackling the epidemic in full
2. establishment of Rehydration Centre
To accommodate wheelchair-diarrhea that requires care and treatment.
Rehydration Centre tasks:
Take care and provide treatment to people with diarrhea who visit.
Do the recording name, age, complete address of the incubation period, symptoms, diagnoses, etc.
Provides data for the sufferer to officers of the TGC
Manage logistics
Taking a rectal swab sufferers before diterapi.
Counseling for sufferers and families
Keep the center of rehydration is not a source of transmission (lisolisasi).
Make daily reports, weekly treated diarrhea sufferers.(diinfus, tdk diinfus, outpatient, drug use etc.