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Candidiasis (Moniliasis) |
Candidiasis (Moniliasis) can be an infection because of the fungus Candida, which has been formerly called Monilia.
The reason for
The Candida Fungus.
Candida usually infects the skin and mucous membranes (e.g., mouth and vagina).
This fungus will often creep into deeper tissues (e.g. blood) and cause systemic candidiasis, and this can be fatal. An even more serious infection is most often happens in people with impaired natural defenses (e.g., people with AIDS or cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy).
Candida are normal inhabitants with the alimentary tract and vagina that usually usually do not cause disease.
But there are some risk factors that encourage the occurrence of infections by Candida:
# Of humidity and warmth.
When the surrounding environment is advantageous (e.g. humid or warm) or when there is an interruption of the immune system, then the fungus can infect skin.
Candida to cultivate lush within the atmosphere with warm and humid.
# Using antibiotics.
Sometimes people that consume antibiotics are afflicted by Candida infections because antibiotics get rid of the bacteria under normal circumstances reside on the network, to ensure that an uncontrolled expansion of Candida.
# The immunosuppressant therapy or Corticosteroid post-transplant organ.
Payday cash can lower your body's defenses against fungal infections.
# Pregnancy
# Obesity (overweight)
# Diabetes.
The symptoms vary, with regards to the body part affected:
# Infeksi pada lipatan kulit (infeksi intertriginosa).
Infeksi pada lipatan kulit atau pusar biasanya menyebabkan ruam kemerahan, yang seringkali disertai adanya bercak-bercak yang mengeluarkan sejumlah kecil cairan berwarna keputihan.
Bisa timbul bisul-bisul kecil, terutama di tepian ruam dan ruam ini menimbulkan gatal atau rasa panas.
Ruam Candida di sekitar anus tampak kasar, berwarna merah atau putih dan terasa gatal.
# Infeksi vagina (vulvovaginitis).
Sering ditemukan pada wanit hamil, penderita diabetes atau pemakai antibiotik.
Gejalanya berupa keluarnya cairan putih atau kuning dari vagina disertai rasa panas, gatal dan kemerahan di sepanjang dinding dan daerah luar vagina.
# Infeksi penis.
Sering terjadi pada penderita diabetes atau pria yang mitra seksualnya menderita infeksi vagina.
Biasanya infeksi menyebabkan ruam merah bersisik (kadang menimbulkan nyeri) pada bagian bawah penis.
# Thrush.
Merupakan infeksi jamur di dalam mulut.
Bercak berwarna putih menempel pada lidah dan pinggiran mulut, sering menimbulkan nyeri. Bercak ini bisa dilepas dengan mudah oleh jari tangan atau sendok.
Thrush pada dewasa bisa merupakan pertanda adanya gangguan kekebalan, kemungkinan akibat diabetes atau AIDS.
Pemakaian antibiotik yang membunuh bakteri saingan jamur akan meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya thrush.
# Perloche.
Merupakan suatu infeksi Candida di sudut mulut yang menyebabkan retakan dan sayatan kecil.
It could stem from your dentures so it shifts to cause the moisture on the mouth to ensure grew mushrooms.
# Paronikia.
Candida grows on bearing nails, causing swelling and pus formation.
The infected nails become white or yellow and regardless of fingers or toes.
Diagnosing enforced determined by symptoms.
Infections are generally easily resolved with a lotion.
For infections on the epidermis, vagina and penis usually used cream Nystatin for 7-ten days.
For infections from the vagina and also the anus can be available a remedy such as suppositoria (drugs which might be inserted into the vagina or anus).
Mouthwash or lozenge shape in suction emerged to ladies with thrush.
For skin ailment are often given a corticosteroid ointment along with anti-fungal cream considering that the ointment can help to eliminate itching and pain (eventhough it helps the healing infection alone).
Keeping your skin remains dry may help relieve infection and forestall the return of mold.
Plain powder or powder containing Nystatin might help maintain skin remains dry.