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Diseases Of Uric Acid diagnosis symptoms and treatment In the community are now circulating the myth that having a grating means joints of uric acid. This understanding needs to be straightened out because not all complaints of joint pain caused by gout. The sense of wrong is worsened by the herbal/traditional medicine ads.
Many types of rheumatic diseases. Not all complaints of joint pain or joint swelling that mean uric acid. To verify the laboratory examination is necessary.
In fact the definition of uric acid is an acid that shaped crystals that are the end result of the metabolism of purin (derivative form of nukleoprotein), which is one of the components of nucleic acids in the nuclei of the cells of the body. Naturally, purin is found in our body and are found in all living cells, food from the food of plants (vegetables, fruit, nuts) or animal (meat, organ meats, sardines).
So uric acid is a product of metabolism in the body, the excess cannot be simply applied. Everyone has uric acid in the body, because on every normal metabolism of uric acid is produced. While the trigger is food and other compounds that contain purin. Actually, the body provides 85 percent compound purin to the needs of each and every day. This means that the needs of food just about purin 15 percent.
Unfortunately, this fact is still not widely known by the public. As a result many people like a leveler of all foods. People eating whatever he wants, regardless of the contents in it. Food sources of animal products usually contain purin is very high.Food products containing less good for high purin certain people, who have a knack of misbehaving uric acid. If these foods are consumed without calculation, the number of purin in her body can exceed normal thresholds.
Some types of food and drink that is known to increase levels of uric acid are alcohol, fish hearing, eggs and organ meats. The hearing or the like fish (sardines), and organ meats are a source of compounds is very potential. That is not just a gut but the innards are all other parts contained in the stomach of animals--such as liver, heart, tripe, and lymph.
CONSUMPTION of offal memperberat hipoksantin enzymes work to cultivate purin. As a result a lot of uric acid in the blood, in the form of granules and gathering around the joints so that raises a very sick. Offal is indeed one of the tantalizing dishes, including soup, tripe, liver Satay marinated heart, lymphatic and crackers. But one of its effects, if the body of excess compound purin then the owner himself is experiencing pain in the joints.
The Cause Of
Disease gout gout disease are classified into primary and secondary gout disease.
On primary gout disease, 99% of the cause is unknown (idiopathic). Thought to be related to a combination of factors genetic and hormonal factors that cause metabolic disorders which can lead to increased production of uric acid or it could be caused due to the reduced expenditure of uric acid from the body.
Secondary gout disease caused among other things due to the increased production of uric acid as a nutrient, that consuming foods with high levels of purin. Purin is one of basic organic compounds that make up nucleic acids (acid core of cells) and is included in the Group of amino acids, protein-forming elements.
Increased production of uric acid can also be due to a blood disease (disease of the bone marrow, polisitemia), drugs (alcohol, drug-cancer drug, vitamin B12). Other causes are obesity (overweight), skin diseases (psoriasis), High triglyceride levels. In uncontrolled diabetics well usually contained levels of ketone bodies (waste fat metabolism results) that is rising. The ketone bodies aloft will cause gout also increases.
Everyone can be exposed to the diseases of uric acid. Therefore, we need to be aware of the symptoms.
Inflammatory disease of the joints caused by elevated levels of uric acid in the blood is called the arthritis gout or arthritis piraĆ. Acute gout arthritis caused by tissue inflammation reaction towards formation of uric crystals. In most cases of gout disease history and clinical picture is special, so sometimes the diagnosis can be directly enforced.
A person is said to be suffering from uric acid (gout) if his condition is fulfill some condition and usually travel classic once, as his illness had symptoms typical of the disease gout, have the typical diseases travel disease gout, found high levels of uric acid in his blood, and microscopic examination of the results of the joint fluid or tofus (lumps of uric acid) found crystal of uric acid in the form of a needle.
More men
Commonly afflicted by gout were men, while for women the percentage is small and emerging after menopause.
The levels of uric acid, men tend to increase in line with the increase in age. In women, an increase that started since the time of menopause.
Why does uric acid tends to be experienced by men? This is because women have estrogen hormone which helps removal of uric acid via the urine. While in men, the grain is likely to be higher than females because it has no hormones or estrogen.
So for a female hormone estrogen, it has exhaust grain is controlled part acid. When it has no estrogen, such as during menopause, women affected by gout.
If an increase in uric acid passes a threshold that can be tolerated, the issue would arise first in the kidneys, urinary tract, and joints
Normal Levels
Examination of uric acid in the lab is done in two ways, Enzymatic and techniques. Normal uric acid levels according to the Enzymatic test a maximum of 7 mg/dl. Whereas, in the usual Techniques, value is normally a maximum of 8 mg/dl. When the inspection results indicate levels of uric acid exceeds normal standards, it is possible to experience the hiperurisemia sufferer.
Normal uric acid levels in men and women are different. Normal uric acid levels in men ranged from 3.5 – 7 mg/dl in women and 2.6 – 6 mg/dl. The above-normal levels of uric acid are called hiperurisemia.
Travel classic disease that usually starts with an attack or a person has history ever check the grain is high on acid 7 mg/dl, and the longer the higher.
If so, likely to be disease gout it grew. Typically 25% of people who will be high grain acid disease gout. When high levels of uric acid but no joint attacks symptoms this early stage is called. In every person is different. There are many symptoms did not show up at all, but there are symptoms that appear at the age of 20, 30, or 40 years old.
Clinical Overview
Arthritis gout emerges as a joint keradangan attacks that arise over and over again.
The typical symptoms of arthritis gout attack is an attack is usually an acute monoartikular (attacking a single joints only) with symptoms of swelling, redness, pain, heat and motion disorders of joints that stricken happens suddenly (acute) culminating in less than 24 hours. The most frequent in the first attack is the base of the thumb joint. Almost in all cases, the location of arthritis mainly on peripheral joints and rarely on a central joint.
Sudden attack meaning suddenly. Because it could have happened, during the day until the eve of sleep no complaints, but in the middle of the night with suddenly woke up because of the pain which is very highly. If this attack is coming, the sufferer will feel very in pain while her body was just hit by a blanket or even wind gusts.
Travel diseases gout is very typical and had 3 stages. The first stage is called the stage of acute gout arthritis. At this stage the patient will experience bouts of arthritis and such attacks will disappear without treatment within 5 – 7 days. Because of the fast disappearing, then often people with suspected leg sprain or subject to infection so it does not suspect hit by disease gout and did not make further examination.
In fact, doctors who treat sometimes do not suspect of developing gout sufferers. Since the first attack this time short time and heal on its own, often with medical treatment to the builders sort and recover time thought it caused the result sequence/massage. In fact, without any attacks in treated or the first time it will disappear on its own.
After the first attack, sufferers will go on gout interkritikal. In this situation the patient in good health during a specific time period. A period of between one and the other are different. There is only one year old, and others up to 10 years, but the average ranged from 1 – 2 years. The length of this phase is a period cause someone to forget that she ever suffered from arthritis gout attacks or attacks were first thought to have little to do with disease gout.
The second stage is known as acute gout arthritis intermittent stage. After passing the interkritikal gout for years without symptoms, the sufferer will enter this stage, characterized by attacks of arthritis. Next the patient will often get attacks (relapses) that the distance between the attack and a subsequent assault one longer more meetings and long, long long makin makin RAID, as well as the number of joints that are developing more and more.
The third stage is known as the stage of chronic gout arthritis bertofus. This stage occurs when the sufferer has suffered pain for 10 years or more. At this stage there will be a bump-bump around inflamed joints which are often referred to as the tofus. This is a hard lump Tofus containing powder such as limestone which is a deposit of uric crystals of monosodium. This will result in damage Tofus on the joints and bones in the vicinity. Tofus on the feet when its size is large and many will result in the sufferer cannot use the shoe again.
Risk Factors
Risk factors that lead to people stricken with the disease gout is diet, obesity, and ethnicity.
In the world, the nation's most high-prevalence on the Maori in Australia. The prevalence of the Maori developing high uric acid, while in Indonesia the highest prevalence in the population and the most high in the Manado-Minahasa due to habit or pattern of eating fish and consuming alcohol.
Alcohol causes the removal of uric acid via the urine that were reduced so that the grain remained in the acid in the blood. The consumption of marine fish also results in high uric acid.
The intake into the body also affects the levels of uric acid in the blood. Foods that contain a high purin is converted into uric acid. Purin is high primarily found in organ meats, sea food: shrimp, squid, clams, crab, anchovies.
IF according to the results of laboratory examination of uric acid levels are too high, we need to pay attention to the problem of food. Food and drinks are always consumed does is triggering gout. In obese people, uric acid is usually up while their spend a little. Then for safety, people are usually encouraged to lose weight.
The most important thing to know is that high uric acid in the blood, without us even knowing it will damage the body's organs, especially the kidneys, because saringannya will be blocked. Blockage of the kidney filter will impact the advent of kidney stones or eventually could lead to kidney failure.
Any uric acid is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Allegedly the crystals of uric acid will damage the endothelial (lining the inside of the blood vessel) coronary. Therefore, anyone that high levels of acid in the grain must tried to drop him off in order to not damage spread to organs of the body to another.
Gout arthritis treatment:
* Relieve inflammation of the joints (with drugs and break joints affected).
* Setting the body's uric acid (by setting diet and medicines).
The main purpose of the treatment of gout arthritis are:
* Treat acute attacks properly
* Prevents attacks of acute gout arthritis of Deuteronomy
* Prevent severe joint abnormalities due to hoarding uric crystals
* Prevent complications that can occur as a result of increased uric acid in the kidneys, heart and blood vessels.
* Prevents the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
The more quickly a person gets treatment since acute attacks, faster recovery as well.
Treatment can be given anti-inflammatory nonsteroid medications (antirematik) and the drug-lowering the levels of uric acid (a drug that speeds up/increase spending by urinary uric acid (probenecid) or medications that lower the production of uric acid (allopurinol)).
Diet management
In addition to the organ meats, foods rich in protein and fat is a source of purin. But despite the high cholesterol the food, purin and very useful for the body, especially for children from the age of growth. Cholesterol is important for vitamin D prekusor, constituent of brain, nerve tissue, steroid hormone, salt-be careful of empendu and cell membranes.People whose health is good should not overeat. As for who has been suffering from gout, should limit themselves to things that could make things worse. For example, limit foods high in purin and choose low purin.
Foods that should be avoided are the foods that contain lots of high purin. Categorization based content: purin food
* The A: foods containing high purin (150-800 mg/100 g of food) are the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, lung, other organ meats, prawns, mussels, clams, sardines, herring, meat extracts (from tivoid languages, jerky), yeast (tape), alcohol and food in a can.
* Category b: Food containing purin was (50-150 mg/100 g of food) is a fish that does not include the A, beef, shellfish, dried beans, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, beans, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, kale.
* The C: foods that contain the lighter purin (0-50 mg/100 g of food) is cheese, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits.
Diet should be immediately done setting when uric acid levels exceed 7 mg/dl by not consuming the food ingredients A and limit themselves to mengonsmsi food ingredients Group b. Also limit themselves consuming fat and advised to drink plenty of plain water. In the settings there are still diet symptoms exaltation of uric acid blood, we recommend that you consult the nearest physician for further handling.
It is also noteworthy, don't work too hard, quick response, and regularly saw a doctor. Because once suffered from a disorder of uric acid usually will continue.
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