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Salt is an easy compound derived from atoms that carry positive ions and negative ions.
As an example, common salt (common salt) is made up of positive sodium ions and negative chloride ions.
Common salt forms crystals from the dry state, but like other salts within the body, easily dissolved in water.
If salt dissolves in water, being a separate component particles called ions.
Particles dissolved ions is known as an electrolyte.
Levels (concentration) of each one electrolyte salts dissolved in solution can be measured and is also usually calculated in units of milliequivalents in each level of the solution (mEq / L).
Electrolytes are dissolved in three main body parts fluids:
- The liquid within the cell
- Fluid inside the space surrounding the cell
- Blood (electrolytes dissolved inside the serum, which is the liquid perhaps the blood).
Normal levels of electrolytes from the fluid varied.
Some cells are only in high concentrations in cells and in low concentration inside cell. Other electrolytes within low concentrations from the cell and in high concentrations beyond the cell.
To be able to function properly, one's body must maintain electrolyte attention to these parts in a limited range.
This is made by moving the electrolyte into or out from the cell.
The kidneys filter the blood and remove electrolyte inside electrolyte in the urine enough to keep up an equilibrium between daily electrolyte intake and exhaust.
Electrolyte concentrations might be measured in blood or urine samples inside the laboratory.
Measurement of blood electrolyte concentrations performed to locate any abnormality as well as to determine reaction to treatment.
Electrolytes are generally interested in salt balance disorders are sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate and magnesium.
Stages of chloride and bicarbonate is also commonly measured.
Blood chloride concentration is generally using the concentration of blood sodium and bicarbonate initiate acid-base balance disorders.
The key electrolytes in the body:
# Positive Ion
- Sodium (Na + ⊃)
- Potassium (K + ⊃)
- Calcium (Ca + + ⊃)
- Magnesium (Mg + + ⊃)
# Negative Ion
- Chloride (Cl and sup-)
- Phosphate (HPO4 & soups and soup-and H2PO4-)
- Bicarbonate (HCO3 & soup).
Virtually all body sodium within the blood as well as in the fluid surrounding the cells.
Body sodium derives from food and beverages and excreted through urine and sweat.
Normal kidney to modify sodium is slowly removed from the urine, so the total number of sodium by the body processes varies slightly daily.
An imbalance between sodium intake and expenditure will affect the total of sodium systems.
Alterations in just how much of sodium is closely linked to changes in the quantity of fluid in the body.
Loss of body sodium isn't going to cause low blood sodium concentration but causes decreased blood volume.
If the blood volume decreases, the pressure will drop Daran, the center rate will increase, dizziness and sometimes shock occurs.
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As opposed, blood volume may increase if too much sodium by the body processes.
Excessive fluid will accumulate in the space surrounding cells and cause edema.
One sign with this edema is swelling of the legs, feet and minimize limbs poergelangan.
Body regularly monitor the blood sodium concentration and blood volume.
Where a sodium levels are far too high, serotonin levels may cause thirst and encourage us to drink.
Sensors inside arteries and and kidneys will evaluate if the decreased blood volume and spur a sequence reaction that seeks to boost the amount of fluid from the blood.
The adrenals release the hormone aldosterone to renal sodium resist.
Pituitary body to secrete ADH the kidneys to retain water.
Detention of sodium and water leads to reduced expenditure urine, which inturn will raise the blood volume and blood pressure level returned to normal.
If your sensors in bloodstream and kidneys aware about any surge in blood pressure level and heart sensors found an increased blood volume, the kidneys are stimulated to secrete more sodium and urine, thereby reducing blood volume.
Potassium plays a huge role in cell metabolic process and the function of nerve and muscle cells.
Most of the potassium inside the cell.
Potassium concentration is just too high or lacking may cause serious problems, for instance abnormal heart rhythms or asystole.
Potassium is kept in the body to assist keep up with the power of potassium within the blood remains constant.
Potassium balance is maintained by adjusting the quantity of potassium in intake of food as well as the level of potassium is removed.
A lot of the potassium excreted over the urine, tension a few who excreted through feces.
Under normal circumstances, renal potassium disposal adjust to balance the consumption of potassium through food.
Some medications and certain conditions cause potassium to advance into or out from the cell, which affects the power of potassium within the blood.
Sources of potassium:
- Additional potassium
- Salts of potassium
- Bananas
- Tomato
- Orange
- Melon
- Potatoes
- Nuts
- Spinach and also other green leafy vegetables
- Nuts.
Calcium is essential for many body functions, including muscular contraction, nerve conduction and function of any variety of enzymes.
The majority of the body's calcium is trapped in bones, but calcium can also be found in the blood and cells.
Controlling the body using the proper level of calcium within the blood and cells.
Repair off normal calcium concentration inside blood depends upon:
- Intake through the mouth a minimum of 500-1000 mgr / day
- The absorption of adequate levels of digestive tract
- Spending the calcium inside urine.
Calcium can move from bone into the bloodstream as required, to take care of blood calcium concentrations.
Removing calcium from the bones in the amount that is too much, in the end can bring about weak bones and osteoporosis occurs.
Power of calcium in the blood is regulated by two hormones:
1. Parathormone, made by the thyroid gland 4 which can be located across the thyroid gland inside the neck.
If blood calcium concentration decreases, the parathyroid glands produce more parathyroid hormone; when its concentration increases, the gland produces less hormones.
Parathormone stimulates the digestive system to soak up more calcium to cause the kidneys to activate vitamin D.
Furthermore vitamin D increase the ability on the digestive tract to absorb calcium.
Parathyroid hormone also energizes the bone to produce calcium in the blood and results in the kidneys to lose a bit more calcium to the urine.
2. Calcitonin, a hormone manufactured by cells of the parathyroid, thyroid and thymus gland.
Its function is to lower blood calcium levels by stimulating the movement of calcium into the bones.
Phosphorus systems is sort of entirely contained in the form of phosphate (1 phosphorus atom and four oxygen atoms).
A lot of the phosphate inside the body with the bone.
Others is mainly within the cell, in which the phosphates involved with energy metabolic process and is also used as builder substances important molecules such as DNA.
Phosphate removed from the urine and feces.
As a way to function properly, quite a few enzymes in the body count on magnesium.
Most of the body's magnesium is situated in bone; very few are located in the blood.
Quantity of magnesium primarily maintained by eating nutritious food.
Most magnesium is removed in the urine, and some were dumped from the stool.
Thank you very Steady info ... hopefully more successful.
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