neurodermatitis definition, symptoms, and treatment

neurodermatitis natural treatment
neurodermatitis natural treatment
neurodermatitis definition, symptoms, and treatment 

Neurodermatitis (dermatitis Scratching localized, Chronic Lichen simplex) is often a chronic inflammation from the upper layers on the epidermis that can cause itching.
The illness causes thickening patches of dried-out skin, scaly and dark colored exceeds, with oval or irregular shape.

Chronic Lichen simplex may occur due to something (eg underwear)
talking to skin or irritate your skin to ensure that someone scratched the area.
Due to chronic irritation of skin thickening would have happened. This thickened skin so itchy that scratching will stimulate further thicken your skin.
These diseases pose a brownish color on the affected area.

# The sickness is usually associated with: Atopic Dermatitis
# Psoriasis
# Anxiety, depression or other psychological disorders.

More prevalent in women in most cases occurs when he was 20-fifty years.

Chronic Lichen simplex can arise in different area of the body, including the anus (pruritus ani) and vagina (pruritus vulva).

In the early stages, skin looks normal but feels itchy.
Furthermore arise scaly patches, dry and darker in color as a result of scratching and rubbing.
neurodermatitis definition
neurodermatitis definition
neurodermatitis lichen simplex chronicus
neurodermatitis lichen simplex chronicus
The identification will depend on symptoms and physical examination results.

To manage itching given per-oral antihistamine along with a topical corticosteroid cream towards involved area.
May be given corticosteroid injections beneath the skin.
Other medications to control itching is hydroxizin or doxepin.

If neurodermatitis arise about the anus or vagina, then your best medication is corticosteroid cream.
To guard the affected region, the above mentined could be applied flowers of zinc cream.

To relieve stress is usually given sedatives or anti-depressants.


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