fabry disease diagnosis

Fabry disease is usually a rare genetic disease, that can cause accumulation of glycolipids (fat metabolism).

 fabry disease CAUSE
Faulty genes carried by the X chromosome in order that the disease only happens in men, which has only one X chromosome

fabry disease symptoms
Glycolipid accumulation causes angiokeratoma, which is a benign increase of skin in the lower torso.

Become as cloudy corneas, producing impaired vision.

Burning pain may happens to the legs and arms, and the patient can experience fever episodes.

Death is due to kidney failure, heart problems or stroke on account of high blood pressure.

Fabry disease is usually diagnosed inside fetus by examining types of chorion villus or amniocentesis (waters examination).

fabry disease treatment
To scale back pain and fever are given analgesic (pain reliever).

This complaint cannot be cured but researchers are investigating care in which an enzyme deficiency occurring replaced by transfusion.


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