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due to lack of vitamin c |
Ascorbic acid (C) within acidic fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and green chillies.
Vitamin C is needed for the formation of connective tissue.
Ascorbic acid helps the absorption of iron and helps healing burns or other wounds.
In addition to vitamin e antioxidant, vitamin C can be an antioxidant.
LACK OF Ascorbic acid
The advantages of ascorbic acid increases significantly and the risk in the occurrence of too little of these circumstances:
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Tirotiksikosis (hyperactivity of the thyroid gland)
- Different types of inflammation
- Surgery
- Burns.
In infants aged 6-yr, deficit of Vitamin C inside formula or solid foods could cause scurvy.
Early signs include cranky, pain when moving his body, decrease in appetite and fat gain.
Bones thin / small and prominent joints.
Typical is bleeding beneath protective tissue and bone throughout the teeth.
In grown-ups, scurvy can occur when over a diet, which contains only meat and flour or tea, toast and canned vegetables, that are normal foods eaten because of the parents that are not desperate to eat.
After a couple of months of eating these foods, there will be bleeding beneath skin, especially throughout the roots from the hair, under fingernails, round the gums plus the joints.
Patients will seem depressed, tired and weak.
Blood pressure and heart rate to move up and down (fluctuating).
Blood tests showed amounts of Ascorbic acid are incredibly low.
In infants and adults, scurvy treated with high doses of Ascorbic acid for 1 week, as well as a lower dose for 30 days.
High-dose vitamin C (500-10000 mg) continues to be recommended to stop the regular cold, schizophrenia, cancer, hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis.
But it's not been sufficient scientific support.
Doses exceeding 1000 mg / day ended in:
- Diarrhea
- Kidney stones in people who find themselves sensitive
- Alterations in the menstrual period.
Some people who stop the intake of high doses of Ascorbic acid may suddenly re-experiencing scurvy.
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