There are several symptoms of the disease ateroklerosis which looks like an ordinary but in fact it is the indication of symptomatic disease atherosclerosis
and what are the symptoms of the disease?
considering the following,
As usual things right? many people who experience headaches can be due to stress or other. and unfortunately the chronic headache is also a sign of the possibility of blockage in the arteries
Lost memory
It could also be said to be easy to forget and hard to concentrate. This is because the brain is deprived of blood to supply oxygen and nutrients. and this blood shortage can be caused by the Aterosklorosis.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure usually accompanies the disease Aterosklorosis
Fast Fatigue
Quickly get tired for no apparent reason can also be an indication of Aterosklorosis
Increased cholesterol levels
High cholesterol is a major presence of heart ache alrm, experiencing it should immediately check it out with a doctor
Muscle Pain
The reduced blood flow will cause pain in the arms and legs.
So some of the symptoms of the Aterosklorosis some very familiar with us.
may be useful.