For Students Smoking Dangers and How to Prevent

For Students Smoking Dangers and How to Prevent - The dangers of drugs or narcotics are widely known. But still, many are hooked just enjoy the goods therein. This time eL-Ka, outlining what the heck is included in the class of drugs and danger. That we all avoid it.
Younger partners, can not be denied that the drug is dangerous plague that plagued mankind throughout the earth. No doubt, that the weakness of faith and ketidakbersimpuhan to God in every difficulty is a major factor in drug addiction mengkondusifkan.
Humans who are religious will surely hell away from drugs. No way he would put out his hand to the drug, whether to buy, distribute, or smuggling. Therefore, the drug is the devil and God's way is not possible to meet with the devil.

Danger to students

This drug addicts increasingly rapid development. The drug addict is generally aged between 11 and 24 years old.

This means that age is of childbearing age or the age of pelajar.Pada Initially, students were taking drugs usually begins with the introduction of smoking.
Because of this habit seems to have become the norm among students today. Of these habits, relationships continues to increase, especially when the students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then become dependent.
The negative impact of drug misuse on children or adolescents are as follows:
• Changes in attitude, temperament and personality,
• Often absent, decreased discipline and values ??lessons,
• Being irritable and quick to anger,
• Frequent yawning, sleepy, and lazy,
• No health care for themselves,
• Like stealing to buy drugs.
These types of drugs and danger Anything

1. Opium
Opium is the most dangerous type of narcotic. Consumed by directly swallowed or taken with tea, coffee or smoked as a cigarette or syisya (cigarette-style Middle East). Opium is obtained from the fruit of the tree of immature opium slashed by up to secrete a sticky white sap.
At first, consuming opium will feel fit and able to imagine and talk, but this does not last long. Soon will be impaired mental state and ends with a deep sleep even coma.
If a person is addicted, the opium would be part of his life. His body will not be able to again carry out its functions without taking the usual dose of opium. He will feel tremendous pain if you can not get it. His health will decrease drastically. The muscles of the addict will wither, weakened memory and appetite decreased. His eyes had cyanosis and weight continues to shrink.

2. Morphine

People who take morphine will feel relief (agility) and fitness that develops into a strong desire to continue
consume. From here, the dosage was continually added to obtain ecstasy (pleasure) are the same.
Addiction to narcotic substance will cause nose bleeding (nosebleeds) and vomited repeatedly. Addicts will also experience weakness throughout the body, disturbance and mouth dryness understand something. The addition of a dose will cause frustration on the respiratory center and decreased blood pressure. This condition can lead to coma resulting in death.

3. Heroin

Narcotic ingredient is a white crystalline powder form resulting from the distillation of morphine. Became the most expensive drugs, the most powerful in creating addiction (dependence) and the most dangerous to health in general.
Initial audience will feel fresh, light and cheerful. He will experience cravings along with repeated consumption. If so, then he will always need larger doses to create the same ecstasy. Because of that, she had to gasp for it, until there is no more gaiety and cheerfulness. Only one desire, to obtain more doses to escape the unbearable pain and muscle stiffness due to discontinuation.
Heroin addicts will eventually experience severe physical weakness, loss of appetite, insomnia (can not sleep) and kept haunted by nightmares. In addition, heroin addicts also face a number of sexual problems such as impotence and impotence. A statistic said the figures impotence among heroin addicts at 40%.

4. Codeine

Codeine containing opium at a lower rate. These compounds are used in the manufacture of cough and pain (pain). Pharmaceutical companies have determined to reduce the use of codeine in cough medicines and pain relief medications. Because in some cases, although rare, codeine can be addictive.

5. Cocaine

Cocaine extracted from the coca plant that grows and develops in the mountains Indies in South America (Latin) since 100 years ago. Cocaine
 consumed with how to breathe, so it gets absorbed into the nasal mucous membranes and then straight to the blood. Therefore, olfactory cocaine
many times can cause ulceration in the nasal mucous membrane, and sometimes can lead to the breakdown of the wall between the two nostrils.
Cocaine addiction problem in the United States, because of the geographical proximity to the source of production. With a simple process, which adds alkaline to krak, then the influence of cocaine can become very active. If heroin is the most addictive substance causes physical addiction, cocaine is the most addictive substance addictions psychic stout.
Every year, the U.S. spends $ 30 billion budget for cocaine and krak. No less than 10 million Americans consume cocaine on a semi-regular basis. Use of cocaine in the short term bring feelings of joy and merry-fresh-fit. But it later emerged feelings of anxiety and fear, to hallucinations.

6. Amfitamine

This drug was found in 1880. However, the medical facts prove that long-term use can lead to addiction risk. Users feel an addictive drug is ecstasy and excitement, not sleepy, and gain great energy for a few hours. But after that, he looked haggard with stress and an inability to concentrate, or a feeling of disappointment that leads him to commit acts of violence and brutality.
Addiction addictive drug also causes heartbeat tightened and
inability to relax, plus the weaker sex. Even in some cases lead to deviant sexual behavior. Includes derivation (derivative) of this drug is a drug called "captagon". This drug is used by the students during the exam season, when the procedure is actually very tight and use caution.

7. Marijuana

Cannabis has a designation which amounts to more than 350 names, in accordance with the planting and consumption, among others, marijuana, hashish, and hemp. The most important substances are substances contained in trihidrocaniponal marijuana (THC).

B. Problem Identification

Based on the background of problems, problems - problems that arise can be identified as follows:
1. Many people do not know the dangers of drugs.
2. Many people do not have an understanding of the dangers of drugs.
3. The number of people had no concept of healthy living.

C. Destination

Writing this paper aims to:
1. A large order for people to know the dangers of drugs.
2. In order to know the number of public understanding of the dangers
3. In order to have the number of healthy life concept.

D. Method

The method used in this paper is a direct method.
This method examines the various references to the dangers of drugs.

A. Efforts Penjegahan

Various ways have been done by the government to prevent drug trafficking. ways, among others:
• Establish strict control over incoming goods.
• Provide severe penalties for drug dealers and users.
• working with the authorities to carry out
counseling about the dangers of drugs, or may hold a surprise raid on a regular basis.
• Then the assistance of parents themselves by giving attention and affection.
• The school should be close monitoring of the movements of their students, as it is usually spread (transaction) drug often occurs around the school.
• No less important is the moral and religious education should be emphasized to students.
• Increase the faith and piety through religious education and
• religious both in school and in the community.
• Enhance the role of the family through family embodiment sakinah, because
The role of the family is very big on coaching individuals. Result
penelitia showed that juvenile delinquents and wayward in general
is coming from a broken family (broken home).
• Planting value early on that drugs are illegal
• Pigs as illegitimate and commit adultery.
• Increase the role of parents in preventing drug, in the House by

Father and Mother, School Teacher / Lecturer and in society by religious and community leaders and law enforcement officials.

A. Conclusion

1. People need to avoid themselves from the spread of drug
2. Government efforts to provide education about the spread of drugs.
3. Drugs are some very dangerous and can damage the nervous system. Could change a person's personality to be getting worse.
4. Drug crime is a source of action that could damage the norm
and peace umu.
5. Negative impacts that affect the body both
physically and psychologically.
B. Suggestion
1. People should care about the health
2. The government should immediately find a solution to the spread of drugs and going again
3. The school should have close monitoring of the movements of their students, as it is usually spread (transaction) drug often occurs around the school.
4. No less importantly, the moral and religious education should be emphasized to students.
Since one of the causes terjerumusnya children into this vicious circle is the lack of moral and religious education they take in, so it was a disgraceful act like this, they end up living.
Therefore, from now on, we as educators, teachers, and as parents, should be alert and vigilant, the dangers of drugs that are subject to ensnare our children alone. With the efforts mentioned above, let us watch and watch our students, from the dangers of drugs, so we hope to spawn a generation of intelligent and resilient in the future can be realized with either.


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