Example Speech About Juvenile Delinquency

Example Speech About Juvenile Delinquency
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First of all, let us pray toward praise and thank Allah subhana Watala presence. salawat and salam we devote to our master Muhammad, to family, to friends and to us as followers of his Sunnah.
Friends and teachers all of whom I respect.
On this occasion I will give a speech on the theme of delinquency among teenagers today.
Friends who I love and respect my mother's teacher.

Juvenile delinquency in the modern age has exceeded the fair. Many minors who are familiar with Cigarette, Drug, Frees * x, and involved many other criminal acts. This fact can no longer denied, we can see the brutal teens today through electronic media or we see at straight  in the environment around us.
Friends who I love and respect my mother's teacher.

This can occur because of factors will support behavior change among young people, for example:
- Lack of parental affection.
- Lack of parental supervision.
- Relationships with friends who do not peer.
- The role of science and technology developments that have a negative impact.
- The absence of guidance from the school's personality.
- Fundamentals of religion which are less
- The lack of talent and hobby media channel
- Excessive freedom
- Problems unresolved

Friends who I love and respect my mother's teacher.
There bbeberapa ways that might make the effort to address and prevent delinquency among adolescents, especially for ourselves in order not to fall into it participated, including:
- The need for religious education from an early age that a useful routine to strengthen faith in ourselves.
- Obey the advice - the advice that we have received, especially from our parents or from others (teachers, more experienced people or our friends).
- Do not be lured to try things that you think religion and law and considered one.
- Has the concept of life.
- Develop a plan for the future with a life and a good future.

Friends who I love and respect my mother's teacher. There is nothing beautiful in life than our fill and live our lives with only a good thing.
Friends who I love and respect my mother's teacher. Final word from me, thanks for all the attention.


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